Perhaps carrion call is the best wand.
I just did some annoying math and the result shows carrion call deals more spell dps.
Attack Speed is better than Spell Crit
Now, We're comparing these two versions and assuming the Spell damage are the same. With new Anger and Wrath, Your DPS source will be not only spell, but also attack. Obviously, the suffix combination of Wand_1 deals more attack dmg than Wand_2.
Mathematical Proof for the Spell DPS part
Here are some more Assumptions: 1. Attack accuracy and crit chance is 100%. (easy for calculation) 2. Cast on crit chance is 100%. (easy for calculation) 3. We get all crit multi nodes on passive tree which is 169%, so we should have totally 327% crit multi with tree and best gears. 4. Without spell crit on wand, We have 0% increased crit chance for spell on passive tree or gears but 150% from 3 power charges. (This assumption makes the Wand_1 stands at an extremely bad place.) 5. The spell we're testing is Arctic Breath which has 5% crit chance base and x dmg base. 6. The testing time interval is 100 seconds, so Wand_1 hits 169 times, Wand_2 hits 150 times. So, Wand_1 casts 169 spells, which includes (169*0.05*250%) 21.125 crit spells and 147.875 noncrit spells. Wand_2 casts 150 spells, which includes (150*0.05*358%) 26.85 crit spells and 123.15 noncrit spells. Then, Wand_1 deals (crit) 21.125*x*(427)% + (noncrit) 147.875*x = 238.08*x total damage in this 100 seconds. Wand_2 deals (crit) 26.85*x*427% + (noncrit) 123.15*x = 237.80*x total damage in this 100 seconds. In this time interval and such unfair assumptions, Wand_1 still deals more spell damage than Wand_2.
With Real fair stats
3. Total Crit multi should be around 230% or less. 4. w/o spell crit on wand, we should have around 600% spell crit on tree and gears, so totally 900% with 6 power charges. So, Wand_1 casts 169 spells, which includes (169*0.05*1000%) 84.5 crit spells and 84.5 non crit spells. Wand_2 casts 150 spells, which includes (150*0.05*1108%) 83.1 crit spells and 111.9 non crit spells. Actually we can stop here, because Wand_1 casts more spells and does more crit spells. IGN: Rayamn https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/723972 (Shop) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1114670 (Mirror Service) Last edited by aphrodite_1289#2041 on May 13, 2015, 8:55:05 PM
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i have 2 question, 1. How use barrage with 0 mana (and 0 mana regen - perma barrage use)? 2. This stats on 90% (barrage) critic and 50critic for arc and fp is with power charge 7? and last question - xd, How use about 10 auras if one aura = 17% reserverd mana. Thx for help. http://twitch.tv/katmpb Last edited by KatMPB#3702 on May 13, 2015, 5:28:27 AM
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Incase if anyone was wondering if this build can hit level 100 in patch 1.3, it can :D . Proof: http://www.twitch.tv/blasting_cap/c/6686960
Now to answer some questions for you guys (I don't check thread a ton, if you have more questions contact me on forums or in-game) @LauFrisk Here is my tree: http://poeurl.com/zmNdfNf This is spec'd for wand/shield. If you're using dual voids, don't worry about heartseeker, go into doomcast instead. Thankfully tom94 is in my guild, so I was able to pester him with tree advice. This is as close to the 1.2.4 tree as you can get with the original builds mechanics/gear in mind. @KatMPB 1: We use bloodmagic keystone, with mortal conviction behind it for auras. The aura Vitality allows us to spam barrage using life not es or mana. Since barrage only costs 15 "mana" per use, a leveled vitality with the aura buffs via tree can easily support the skill. 2. I'm not seeing those exact stats on his arc + fp, but it would have 9 power charges if looking at dual void batteries arc and freezing pulse numbers and 7 power charges with mirrored wand/shield. Last edited by Solishaw#0089 on May 13, 2015, 11:20:10 PM
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1: We use bloodmagic keystone, with mortal conviction behind it for auras. The aura Vitality allows us to spam barrage using life not es or mana. Since barrage only costs 15 "mana" per use, a leveled vitality with the aura buffs via tree can easily support the skill. 2. I'm not seeing those exact stats on his arc + fp, but it would have 9 power charges if looking at dual void batteries arc and freezing pulse numbers and 7 power charges with mirrored wand/shield. [/quote] Thx for help. But you have one hand 97% barrage and 57% fp and arc. Passive tree, items and power charge 7 (35%) never see 97%. If see 97% barrage - fp and arc will be more much than 57%. So i don't know why barrage is 40% more critic than fp and arc. Items, passive tree and coc always GET % to all barrage and fp and arc. passive tree and coc i have 65% barrage and 65% fp and arc. I don't know how do 30% more barrage. http://twitch.tv/katmpb Last edited by KatMPB#3702 on May 14, 2015, 1:38:51 AM
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which eq on map: ele. dmg 18%?
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" First of all, Im comparing the Apocalypse Thirst and Carrion Call which both have same aps base but Apocalypse Thirst has spell crit instead of attack speed. You should'v known if you ever opened my spoiler. But i can still make an arguement against with ur point about 1.1aps base wand can beat their single target/pack dps. In my opinion, it was you that forgot about the accuracy (let's say 89%), and attack crit chance (let's day 95%), and coc chance (70%), If we take into account all these features, (we shoot 29.6 projectiles per sec) we will actually cast 29.6*0.89*0.95*0.7 = 17.5 spells per seconds which means we cast a spell in each 57.1ms which is still longer than the 50ms cooldown. Correct me if Im wrong. IGN: Rayamn https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/723972 (Shop) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1114670 (Mirror Service) Last edited by aphrodite_1289#2041 on May 16, 2015, 12:13:14 AM
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" For your first comment, "If one weapon pushes you over an attack speed breakpoint and not the other, then it's dps will be severely decreased." I alrdy answered with those annoying math which shows Carrion Call deals more dmg than Apocalypse Thirst, You should'v pointed out where my math is wrong but not just saying it's wrong w/o any proof. For your Reason 1, as we all know the global crit multi nodes are the most efficient ones for dps on tree, so I think we should take as much multi nodes as we can. And most of them are with global crit strike chance nodes except throatseeker. So, your point of reason 1 is nothing bcz If you dont take those crit chance nodes, u wont be able to get crit multi nodes. But if you take all those crit multi nodes, you will take all those crit chance nodes aswell, and eventually you will have 750% global crit chance from gears/tree which let you have 94~95% cc. For your Reason 2, I dont rly understand what you mean, but like i said, I alrdy proved that 1.68 aps base wand deals more dmg than 1.5 aps base with my math. And I also proved that there's no cooldown limitation issue with higher aps base. So the dps difference will be only severe with the comparison 1.5aps base vs 1.1aps base. Tbh, if you really prefer 2.2 aps base (or even less), why dont you use Carrion Call (1.68aps), without using Blood Rage? Then, you dont even recieve the es degeneration. With 10% ias on tree, and 3 frenzy charges, You will end up have 1.68*1.25 = 2.1aps :)
Let's assume you'r right
I have to say that I dont think you'r right at first, but w/e. Let's just assume you'r right with 2.2aps is better with single target, and 3.0+ aps is better with clearing map. (that was all from your last comment.) Now, you can have an condition to cast Blood rage or not. When you clear maps, you cast blood rage. When you face boss, no blood rage. IGN: Rayamn
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/723972 (Shop) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1114670 (Mirror Service) |
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can you please update the skill tree. the links dont work.
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" For ur first point, Im providing Math proof with my point and I never mentioned if Im the owner or linked my service thread here to do ad's. Wat about you? pointing this out to obscure the main issue we're talking about? Finally I understand what you'r talking about which is the BreakPoint of APS, but ur chart is totally wrong. the concept of breakpoint is about the efficiency of stacking aps. According to ur chart, ur dps will be less when u'r at 2.3aps than 2.1aps... Really?? I guess the Y-axis of ur chart should be DPH but not DPS. however, it doesnt matter if it's efficient to stack aps at some point. Did you ever see the result of my math? it shows dps output of ias base is bigger than spell crit base which means higher ias wins less ias. so, for the second point, it was just a joke bcz I assumed ur arguement was right which is not. for the last point, u should rly open POEbuilder and check if all those global crit multiplier nodes are next to global crit strike chance nodes (except throatseeker). IGN: Rayamn https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/723972 (Shop) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1114670 (Mirror Service) Last edited by aphrodite_1289#2041 on May 17, 2015, 6:11:22 PM
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" SaiyanZ is actually right. After the CoC nerf attack speed is actually bad for the build. The way CoC has been nerfed your DPS actually goes DOWN if your attack speed goes above a certain threshold. You are better off with a slower wand causing more damage and tuning the rest of your gear to be just slightly below the next such damage reduction threshold. The reason why Apocalypse Thirst is better is that reaching a high enough attack speed to go above the 2.2 APS plateau is unrealistic with carrion call. I had Carrion Call in this thread listed as the best shatter chuck wand prior to the patch, but reverted it due to the nerf. IGN: Pirteloli Last edited by Tom94#4433 on May 22, 2015, 12:39:08 PM
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