Cheers for the guide!
robin_nerf wrote:
Tom94 wrote:
ExMagisTR wrote:
nice build. will it work in a simplified version? without these items?
and why Barrage 5lvl?)

Lvl 5 is the highest level where Barrage still has a mana cost of 6 if I remember correctly. Basically the level of Barrage doesn't matter, so always keep it at the lowest possible mana cost.

And yes, this build could be played with a lot worse items, but then the damage would also be a low worse. Don't expect more than a 10th of the DPS from a budget build for like 20ex. :)

(You would go CI, Vaal Pact, Life Leech in that case and run almost no auras. Tabula Rasa is pretty much mandatory since without a 6L you wouldn't have enough room for sockets.)

Acording to wiki is that information incorrect ? http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Barrage
And I dont get it, the highest mana cost is 11 and the lowest 8, 3 mana will that make difference ? In difference to Physical Damage which is 4% to 96%....

Physical Damage is useless for this build. I would stick to the 8 mana cost.

600exa build

love the godlike dps!
robin_nerf wrote:

Acording to wiki is that information incorrect ? http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Barrage
And I dont get it, the highest mana cost is 11 and the lowest 8, 3 mana will that make difference ? In difference to Physical Damage which is 4% to 96%....

The wiki is wrong. It doesn't reflect the reduced mana costs which came with 1.2.0. Just hover over the barrage gem I linked in the guide - it costs 6 mana.

SaiyanZ wrote:

Seems like you don't really know the use of Shavronnes. People use it to stack a load of auras on life, just like this build. This is something that no other build without Shavronnes can do. A Shavronnes build can stack additional defense/damage via auras on life with no penalty.

Acuity allows people to go all out attack with the instant heal so there is no need for as much defense compared to builds without it.

You didn't mention that it also allows to go low-life without getting easily killed by chaos damage. This enables users of Shav's to get insane attack speed with blood rage and 30% more spell damage with pain attunement.

Yes, these are insane bonuses. Buuuuuut wait. There also is the disadvantage of not being able to go CI. CI brings with it the complete immunity to chaos damage (which can be very relevant in some cases) and the ability to get 15% more energy shield. In addition to that there are ES chests with twice the amount of ES as (non-legacy) shavronne's has, which further greatly increases the maximum amount of ES a CI build can have.

It can be argued that the advantages of Shavronne's overweight in many scenarios, but here is where the gigantic price tag comes into play. There are quite a few builds where it makes more sense to go another path than low-life, but for DPS this is the common choice. I want to note, that the advantages of shavronne's wrappings can also be obtained with Solaris Lorica which is very achievable by the majority of people.
IGN: Pirteloli
Last edited by Tom94#4433 on Aug 30, 2014, 2:19:58 PM
Would you mind showing a super low budget version of this?
But there isn't a super low budget version of this.
Considering the DPS and what the build is capable of doing, it's already a low budget.
Silsamazing - lvl 100 Witch
SilAndTheVortex - lvl 100 Occultist
is there a tree for shadow scion or ranger?
Good god every other build sucks compared to this. You make ubers look like if one took a lvl 90 character back down to normal act 1. Congrats Sir you win best build of PoE by long shot.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Aug 31, 2014, 12:42:31 PM
phys dmg hurts a lot for me and getting RRR on void battery is like impossible
fid1 wrote:
phys dmg hurts a lot for me and getting RRR on void battery is like impossible

285 Chromes and lvl 6 Vorici and you get RRR on Void. I can even do if for you if you don't have lvl 6 Vorici. Put codt-enduring-immortal on it and there ya go, phys cool.
Silsamazing - lvl 100 Witch
SilAndTheVortex - lvl 100 Occultist

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