Rufiothelostkid's Freezing Pulse + Crit + CI Build

Since I've been playing FP, I've always been of the thought that CRIT is the way to get all your damage from FP, not cold damage. I also have only played CI, hoping that one day ill get a shavs.

You have to have a 20% quality Freezing Pulse, no other way about it
The setup I was using was a 5l with
Freezing Pulse > Life Leech > PCoC > Spell Echo > LMP (6th link is Increased Crit Damage)
If you have mana problems (I used to during beta) I would swap out PCoC for Mana Leech.

Because CI makes us immune to chaos damage, I always keep Bloodrage up for those extra frenzy charges. It makes a huge difference in cast speed.

Auras are Discipline > Clarity > Purity of Elements > Reduced Mana
(I sometimes would run haste when I didn't need the survivability and wanted more damage)

I also run Ice Spear > Faster Casting (could use spell echo maybe?) > Spell Totem > GMP
Alternativly you could run Summon Skeletons > Faster Casting > Spell Totem > (whatever you like)

Depending on Mana I also use Frostbite > Increased Duration> Increased area
I don't know what else you could add for a 4l, maybe cast on critical strike?

That being said, I have not put my passives in since the free reset with the expansion. I want to get an optimum build planned out and compare it with what people are running as "the meta"

My Tree, I've left out points needed in Dex and Str nodes(Looking for feedback and suggestions) Build

Here is the gear I was using before the expansion hit

These were the flasks I was using. No idea how viable they are now. Could probably drop the dispell freezing a chilled now that I have a Dream Fragments

Passive Build at max level
Last edited by rufiothelostkid on Sep 2, 2014, 1:36:48 PM
Build is relatively similar to what I'm doing, at the moment I am playing it as CI however if I can get a decent roll on a Solaris or a Shav's then I will change to low life and pick up pain attunement for the extra 30% damage.

My main socket I'm running a 5L at the moment: FP > Life Leech > PCoC > Spell Echo > GMP

After testing LMP & GMP, GMP is significantly better for mapping, currently level 71.

For Auras I'm running: Discipline > Clarity > Arctic Armour > Herald of Ice
Any thoughts on using PCoc-Icespear and assassins mark for powercharge generation and save up one support gem slot?

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