1.2 Layent's Low Life Split-Crit 100KDPS Reflect Viable End-Game
Been playing a life bow build forever now? Ready to take it to the next level, and triple, even quadruple your current life bow build's damage?
Presenting to you, thanks to the the 1.2 patch, the low life crit-split shadow build! (witch also viable!) ![]() ![]()
OR if you're a Tornado Shot Fan:
Rant about SA vs. TS
Ok boys chemical engineer here leme math it up for ya. It's not stronger than split arrow when you get to mirrored gear levels, I'll explain why: Imagine having infinite damage. (Let dps of said bow build equal to positive infinity) However this damage still needs to travel to the packs of monsters across a map. So it's a discussion of how efficiently can one skill deliver the pain. With split arrow you can consistently cover a double integral of space using polar coordinates (dr*dtheta) some calculus required to understand. Our dr is our projectile speed or radius of the circle we create if we were to shoot at all directions. This on a regular bow build is beyond screen length while using split arrow. dtheta which is our degree or arc, the spread of the arrows on split cover nearly 180 degrees or pi. So a single shot of split arrow shoots 7 arrows of infinite damage over a screen length pi radians in any direction you so choose. That's a enormous amount of surface area. And this is consistent.(Remember a single arrow will one shot an entire pack due to herald of ash and have the possibility to chain to further packs. Now for TS Fires up to 20 arrows with gmp (5 to get there then 5 explosions yielding 3 each=20) Being that a character moves through a map clearing monsters along the way, monsters should never be behind the player be for maximum efficiency. TS explosion arrows are random in their direction, and I believe it is safe to say that their radius is smaller than a regular split arrow's. Being that they are random it is also safe to assume that arrows will either be in two regions: 0<theta<pi Or pi<theta<2pi (Half the arrows will shoot behind the explosion half infront) The half that shoot behind will never hit anything as we are clearing monsters as we go forward through a map) From there we can then safely assume the 5 piercing shots also should be disregarded: anything that is pierced must fall in the pi<theta2pi region and must not exist. So we're left with roughly 7.5 arrows being shot in directions of monsters at a range that is less than split arrows and at an inconsistent theta increments as due to the randomness of direction. Thus I conclude tornado shot is an inferior version of split arrow due to it's lesser range and inconsistency. QED Please note: this argument is not valid if you do not use mirrored gear or use precooked ramen as your bow.
Detailed explanation of how this build works
Due to the 1.2 version of the skill tree, ES, Inner Force, and other aura nodes are now closer to bow nodes. In addition to these changes with the new crafting, up to 20% es can be crafted onto rings, which now allows for greater amounts of ES for everybody, but most importantly allowing bow users who use ES to acquire a decent amount. By going Low Life, we are able to to run 2 free auras on life, to then also run Blood Rage which is an insane dps steroid that can be sustained indefinitely. The build has 3 required unique items; Atziri gloves, Alpha's Howl and Shavronne's Wrappings. I use Auxium for quick access to ES and mana leech. Atziri Acuity's enables the ability to leech mana and health instantly, allowing the ability to leech through reflect, and the ability to indefinitely cast your main ability with no mana cost issues as you will be leeching back your entire mana pool on every hit. Alpha's Howl is essential because it gives us 8% reduced mana reserved which allows us to run 3 auras on mana while also increasing their respective gem levels. Shavronne's Wrappings allows us to rely on our energy shield while at a low life without fear from dying to chaos damage. How the build plays out in maps: The hardest part of this build is the beginning of a map, acquiring power charges and souls to cast vaal haste. Because this build relies on having power charges to mana leech and to achieve high crit chance the first pack will give the most difficultly. After charges are maxed and vaal haste is availble to cast the build will enter turbo mode, where you will be stutter stepping through maps (if you've played any MOBA or RTS you'l already be familiar), or just be simply holding down your move button and right clicking every so often. If you have around the level of my gear or more, this will mean that you will simply right click one shot whole packs along with any off screen as well. Once in a map the usual button order goes: Blood rage->(quicksilver->vaal haste->)*until map is clear. On rare occasions I'll be found to weapon swap to leap slam over a wall or ledge that's faster than running to.
2:Passive 3:Power Charge Auras: In alpha's: Wrath Anger Discipline, On Life: hatred, herald of ash Variant: Can use purity of elements if resistances are a problem, (exchange for anger) My Gear (NOT BiS, as I can only achieve ~80K right now): Currently sitting at ~5.5K ES, (BiS can reach 6K-7K) My Estimate Gear value: 500~600 Exalted BiS Estimate Gear value: 1500~1700 Exalted (Mirrored gear in all rare item slots & legacy unique)
To answer questions about my current accuracy, critical chance and evasion:
Accuracy: 87-90% depending on my jewelry, (Finding the right jewelery is the hardest part if you don't have mirrors) Critical Hit Chance (W/ 6PCharges): 88.4% with my rings, although 95% is easily achievable with more levels (missing 70% from tree) or better rings than mine. Evasion: 2066 -> 20% chance to evade, 12226 -> 50% chance to evade W/
Best In Slot Mirror Gear:
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/737212for amulet, axn for quiver,
If you need more accuracy
If you don't need more accuracy
Pros: Can achieve over 150K DPS with best in slot gear. Can do elemental and physical reflect, (physical reflect is not even noticed.) Build can work without BiS gear Normal Atziri is easily doable Runs 5 Auras (3 on Mana, 2 on Life) Blood Rage Infinite flask charges (surgeon + 95% crit) Off-screen killing monsters in 6 man party makes people messaging you for your build link. Conduit (optional) Carries every 6 man party easily. Perma-Freeze Bosses & Knock them Back infinitely (KotH node) Can swap your main skill on the fly-> build works excellently with almost all bow skills, (does require GMP/LMP for other bow skills, ie Tornado Shot/Lightning Arrow) Cons: Must be at least 90. No movement skill without weapon swapping (bow, however this build runs FAST, Vaal Haste & Quicksilver W/ 100% uptime in maps) Your ES will be lower than any build that can utilize an ES shield, quiver's come with insane amounts of crit multi to compensate in damage however.) For Uber Atziri: I suggest picking up a high ES helm. This prevents you from running 3 60% auras, so use a purity or clarity. Then pick up Lioneye's Paws for the stun immunity. Stun is a non-factor outside of ubers. Things soon to be added to guide:
Videos, different gem setups
Please AMA @Layent in game! IGN:Layent PST(GMT -7:00) Last edited by Layent#0717 on Sep 3, 2014, 6:59:00 AM
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PST(GMT -7:00) |
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People was asking about a MaryAnguish build update, but with that post I think there's no need to.
Good work, Layent. EDIT: posted on the MaryAnguish build to redirect here people looking for this kind of build. - Attack and Spell DPS Calculator (view-thread/977942) - IIQ/IIR balance guide (view-thread/725812) Last edited by Chuca79#6356 on Aug 26, 2014, 12:16:43 PM
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Nice build, would love to see stats (particularly crit chance, accuracy, and evasion)
There is obviously a limit on how much DPS can contribute to clear speed (after a certain point, you're one-shotting everything in a 6-man party and more deepz is just for show). With full BiS gear, I think you're well beyond this point (I also think reflect might actually become an issue with perfect gear because of how high your damage is). It might be worth looking into speccing out of DPS and picking up more mana regen + clarity so you can run AA. Besides making dual/triple/quad reflect laughable because of how your damage is largely physical and fire and how your damage is split through chain (which favors how AA mitigates damage), you also get a TON of movement speed. Combined with Vaal Haste (or even without it), I feel like your clearing speed would become a lot quicker and safer for someone with perfect gear. EDIT: I just realized that the BiS rings for this build were crafted by KiPad within the last two days. They can be found here. I listed some of his new %ES crafts below, but he has like 20 other versions with all kinds of sick mods (including flat chaos damage to counter reflect) so check out the link if you're interested or want to shit your pants.
If you need more accuracy
If you don't need more accuracy
For the record, depending on how high this build's DPS can go and how well it handles reflect at those DPS levels, low-life split arrow is one of the best builds in the game for this patch. The only significant drawback compared to spectral throw or power siphon is the lack of a mobility skill. IGN: BaiBhai | BhaiBhai | Bhailo Last edited by Bhai#0148 on Aug 27, 2014, 3:21:02 AM
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" Good idea! Indubitably worth trying! My set-up utilizes cast on damage taken immortal call, which for the most part makes you immune physical damage from reflect or otherwise. If I were able to run AA (by acquiring extra mana®en) it would open up a free 6L (shifting blood rage and Vaal Haste to the 4L, and dropping cast on damage+IC) which would then allow for a single target on the other 6L (preferably barrage because it can't die to reflect as easily as frenzy.) Although to be completely honest once your damage gets this high you don't need another single target ability. EDIT: Maybe a lightning warp set up!!!? (Lightning Warp+Faster Casting+Shorter Duration) Thanks for the mirror links I'll add those to update guide. To answer questions about my current accuracy, critical chance and evasion: Accuracy: 87-90 depending on my jewelry, (Finding the right jewelery is the hardest part if you don't have mirrors) Critical Hit Chance (W/ 6PCharges): 88.4% with my rings, although 95% is easily achievable with more levels (missing 70% from tree) or better rings than mine. Evasion: 2066 -> 20% chance to evade (12226 -> 50% chance to evade W/Jade) IGN:Layent PST(GMT -7:00) Last edited by Layent#0717 on Aug 27, 2014, 5:43:23 AM
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Build idea looks great,but i don't understand how you reach 5.5k es with shavs only.
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" it's not just shavs :] it's shavs+boots+2rings+amulet and ~350 int elreon allows you to get 20% ES on rings now, which is how its possible 160% es from tree 70% from int ~ 60% from jewlery. ~850 from gear ~550 from discipline. ~1400(3.9)= 5500 IGN:Layent PST(GMT -7:00) Last edited by Layent#0717 on Aug 27, 2014, 12:48:14 PM
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I see. Gonna give it a try,i have a lvl 89 witch waiting. Only missing a bow. You think a ~450 pdps will be enough since i can't afford a glyph mark?
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" if your bow has around 9% crit then definitely! IGN:Layent
PST(GMT -7:00) |
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" Unfortunately, I think running with Vaal Haste + AA would be a lot faster than lightning warp since you don't pick up cast speed on gear or tree :( IGN: BaiBhai | BhaiBhai | Bhailo