[2.2 updated, sub 5 min lab run video] low life kinetic blast by ddddddddddddddddddddime

Last edited by InAshesTheyShallReap on Oct 16, 2015, 7:55:58 AM
pierce has no disadvantage to frostwalls, it was a bug in the beginning of 2.0 which got fixed already
IGN: Lawyne (Stream: www.twitch.tv/lawyne) [inactive]
100% Life Shaper in 1s https://www.twitch.tv/videos/173720595
Practical Blade Flurry https://tinyurl.com/practicalBF
Last edited by InAshesTheyShallReap on Oct 16, 2015, 7:54:44 AM
everything nice, but for my taste too much gem and passive swapping :D
IGN: Lawyne (Stream: www.twitch.tv/lawyne) [inactive]
100% Life Shaper in 1s https://www.twitch.tv/videos/173720595
Practical Blade Flurry https://tinyurl.com/practicalBF
Last edited by Lawyne on Sep 28, 2015, 11:48:56 AM
Lawyne wrote:
u havent tried Slower Projectiles right?

slower projectiles 21/20 gives probably 3-5% more dps than faster attacks, but i prefer faster attacks, better vs reflect and for clearspeed, mana cost is probably the same at the end

i also prefer faster attacks for myself to not let the distillate flask effect ends on full mana, it allready ends early vs very big packs of monsters and it's frustrating, i need more attack speed :p
yea I know, but overall u gotta agree that CI is not the optimal way. Lowlife provides no gem or chest swapping, always safe due to Lifeleech, faster clearspeed due to Pierce, Oneshotting packs and still possible to use frostwalls or single target skills. sure CI is much cheaper tho, I'd suggest u to make a guide
IGN: Lawyne (Stream: www.twitch.tv/lawyne) [inactive]
100% Life Shaper in 1s https://www.twitch.tv/videos/173720595
Practical Blade Flurry https://tinyurl.com/practicalBF
Last edited by InAshesTheyShallReap on Oct 16, 2015, 7:55:06 AM
Last edited by InAshesTheyShallReap on Oct 16, 2015, 7:55:22 AM
it's useless i make a guide, CI to be good needs a mirrored chest and i dont have crit rings to try, the ideal rrbbgg CI chest does not even exist unless paying the mirror fee

anyway just recorded a crematorium and plateu videos, im uploading crematorium and will post here in 40min, bad quality videos to be quick :p and ingame fps was very poor while recording

but there are a few builds in the shadow forum about kinetic without pierce and the result is similar to mine

Lawyne was politely asking you to stop hijacking his thread with your own build.

On another note thinking of leveling a scion in 1 month. Was wondering if anyone had trialled hemotophagy leech node or is it just not worth it over vp. Then you could get 15%ed from leeching and also use bloodrage on regen and the degen would cause you to be always leeching
nah I don't care about hijacking any thread lol, also this is not mine :D
I find the CI idea very good, for soloing u don't need mirrored stuff, so a guide would help a lot of ppl with lower currency than 2k ex, that's why.
ppl working together is much better than banning new ideas from wannabe copyrighted threads ;)

IGN: Lawyne (Stream: www.twitch.tv/lawyne) [inactive]
100% Life Shaper in 1s https://www.twitch.tv/videos/173720595
Practical Blade Flurry https://tinyurl.com/practicalBF

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