1.2.0c AOF, Molten Strike, Herald of Ash

This is just something I made for the new league and it seems to be working pretty well. Just started maps this afternoon and clears quite quickly. Does extremely well against fracturing maps and strongboxes.

NOTE: Everyone seems to be ignoring the fact that it is not just avatar of fire converting my physical and attack speed is NOT needed. My physical is pretty low and I have barely any physical in the tree, this is not a mistake. The reason I don't is because I don't need it, I don't need to deal a 12k hit when my 10k hits are burning everything in half a second anyway. I would much rather get more health and armour so I can survive while I burn. The physical damage I have from the Kaom's (very high) is being converted by avatar of fire, herald of ash AND molten strike, this results in a TON of fire damage and the physical does not even come close to this. The entire point of this build is to smack something really really hard and prolif the overkill to other monsters while you do whatever the hell you want to do. Having higher dps and more damage is completely irrelevant if you keep dying due to not having enough life or armour.

Edit: bug with Pyre unique ring

Let's say you have 3 monsters




You overkill the one closest to you and the one behind it TAKES the burn and THAT prolifs to the ones behind it, burning the whole room, cool right? However that monster is now the SOURCE, if it dies normally the burn continues because that monster is still considered a part of the game, however if that monster dies form you hitting it with the pyre then it EXPLODES and is taken out of the game, therefore the burn stops because there is no source.

5.8k life,
5.1k armour w/o determination or flasks, 7.7k with determination
8.6k with shield, 13k with shield and determination
Max resists (overcapped by about 20), molten strike tooltip dps: 8k with Kaom's, 6k with one hander.

It has some interesting mechanics because of the herald of ash, for instance because herald does overkill damage you want to be dealing as much overkill as possible. So instead of targeting a rare or a boss, you want to smack the low health white mob next to it to deal significant burn damage.

Secondly because I have ele prolif on the herald of ash, in order for the burn to proliferate I need at least 2 mobs next to eachother because the fire is spread FROM the overkill damage on the first kill. But by god when it does, you will notice.


Herald of Ash - Elemental Proliferation - Reduced Mana - Determination - Increased Burning Damage
Molten Strike - Faster Attacks - Weapon Elemental Damage - Melee Physical Damage - Life Leech - Will add fire pen when and if I get a 6 link
(in this case melee physical is better than extra fire because I already have 3 seperate sources converting my physical to fire)
CWDT - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Molten shell

Clarity - Reduced Mana - Blood Magic - Enhance (380 health out of 5400 isn't much to reserve for infinite mana)

Current skilltree, note: it doesn't make a lot of sense because I made quite a lot of mistakes. I have already used every respec point and I still have things to redo

(have recently respec'd from iron reflexes and put the points into more health since all my gear is now armour)

My current gear (level 79)

Updated gear (level 83)


Flask 1 just increased regen speed for when I need it, plus no burning me while I burn you!
Flask 2 is my instant recovery that I spam when I'm in trouble
Flask 3 is my strongbox flask, it gets rid of frozen and chilled and has 3 uses
Flask 4 is your typical granite that I use before most big packs and bosses
Flask 5 is very rarely used, mostly there to take off bleeds and give me mana if I've been hitting something for too long (very rare)

Explanation of gear: pretty standard all resists a little overcapped, chaos is 66% in merciless so I can tank most chaos hits fairly well. The axe and shield are in the second weapon slots in case I need to get a bit tankier, which also has enduring cry. And yes still using Kaom's Primacy at level 79. The shield also overcaps my lightning even further because, as of 1.2, shocked is now one big 50% increased damage stack so I don't want to be taking all that damage from lightning.

The reason I have a Kaom's Primacy is that this build completely ignores attack speed, you just run up to a group (flammability if you want) hit one creature and if you need to you can just run around the corner and watch the whole room burn to death. Or if you're a real man you run to the next room and repeat the process.

If anyone has any questions I will answer as soon as possible, or if you have any tips for me feel free to share.

Specific Brutus strategy
I have made a strategy for Brutus outside and inside maps just for this build. I am not sure if this is unique or not. I never hit Brutus directly, I run around him and kill the skeletons when they are standing next to him, constantly casting flammability on everything. The skeletons are now weak to fire and thus the overkill from herald of ash does quite a lot of burn damage, this prolifs or spreads to Brutus and he starts burning while I'm running around him NOT getting ground slammed into a pulp. I have tested myself with sheild and granite and I can just barely tank one ground slam from a level 71 map Brutus boss.
Last edited by Killertortilla#2678 on Sep 5, 2014, 7:52:15 AM
Can you post your skill tree? This sounds interesting.
Kroyd wrote:
Can you post your skill tree? This sounds interesting.

Could you post the final tree in talent planner? I'm running molten strike templar but theres not been too much up to date builds.
Last edited by Aviana#5791 on Aug 24, 2014, 5:11:06 PM
Isn't Life Leech useless here because of AoF? LGoH would actually return health.
Last edited by cutlerbeast#3280 on Aug 25, 2014, 7:22:25 PM
cutlerbeast wrote:
Isn't Life Leech useless here because of AoF? LGoH would actually return health.

Did you mean the support gem he has? The support gem works on basically everything.


Also that journey to go get Iron Reflexes looks painful.
Last edited by ApopheniaEvolved#5556 on Aug 26, 2014, 3:05:01 PM
ApopheniaEvolved wrote:
cutlerbeast wrote:
Isn't Life Leech useless here because of AoF? LGoH would actually return health.

Did you mean the support gem he has? The support gem works on basically everything.


Also that journey to go get Iron Reflexes looks painful.

I have recently regretted out of that because yes you are right the 13 point skillgramidge was really painful
cutlerbeast wrote:
Isn't Life Leech useless here because of AoF? LGoH would actually return health.

Life leech as a gem leeches life from any damage done. There are no other sources of global leech in the game.
The idea of using Herald of ash to proliferate damage to nearby enemies seems like a cool idea, the wiki however states this:

Overkill Damage: The overkill damage value used for the on-kill effect is based on the total damage of the killing hit, not just its fire damage.

In that case using Avatar of fire is a bad idea, because you lose total damage. You would be better off investing in Psychical damage nodes and in the Lust for Carnage tree. In that case you do not need the life leech gem and can swap it out for added fire damage or fire penetration.

I will try it out with my MS Marauder later on, i`m now using hatred with him.
Grats on Build of the Week!
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