[1.2] Nemo's Critical Ranger! The Blood Dancing Herald of Destruction!

IGN:BilbowSwagginss PM me for questions!

Looking for a cheap build?
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What's good exiles, BestNemoMIA here and I'm here to share my Critical Split Arrow Ranger with you guys. It seems generic and it probably is, I just want to share my two chaos on the topic.

-Skill Tree-
-The Dream of Lv.100-

-Current Skill Tree At Level 62-

-Skill Tree at Level 81-

-Gearing Up-
Current Gear as of 8/22

Current Gear as of 8/23

Current Gear as of 8/25

Current Gear As of 8/29

What to look for?
For your helmet, you should be aiming for pure evasion, high life and resists.
This build can work with a 4 link chest, GGGB, again, just aim for high life and resists.
The dream would be Maligaro's or Atziri's Acuities but its far too early in rampage to be balling out that hard.
I personally prefer Blood Dance Boots over everything because of the insane life regen you can get, and the free frenzy charge stacks. You can also run Blood Rage with these boots as I potentially regenerate 6% of my life every second overpowering Blood Rage's degen.
A rustic sash is a must have in my opinion, %phys on a belt is priceless.
If you're ballin on a budget, two stone rings with life and resists, If you're Bill Gates ballin, go for Diamond rings with a flat phys roll with life/leech and crit chance.

With the insane buff to flasks, just find the largest hp potion in the game and make it instant and bam, you can't die.


Normal:Help Oak for +40 Health
Cruel: Help Oak for +%phys
Merciless: You have the choice for frenzy if you want more regen from blood dance, or get a power charge for more damage


I use Hatred, Herald of Ash, Herald of Ice on a reduced mana. I can switch out hatred for grace if the map I'm doing is too hard or I am finding some difficulty in the area.

-Gem Links-

(1 like 1 prayer) 1L: Split Arrow
2L: Split Arrow - Chain
3L: Split Arrow - Chain - PCoC
4L: Split Arrow - Chain - PCoC - Physical Projectile Damage/Critical Damage
5L: Split Arrow - Chain - PCoC - Physical Projectile Damage - Critical Damage
6L: Split Arrow - Chain - PCoC - Physical Projectile Damage - Critical Damage - Faster Attacks

1L: Frenzy
2L: Frenzy - Faster Attacks
3L: Frenzy - Faster Attacks - Physical Projectile Damage
4L: Frenzy - Faster Attacks - Physical Projectile Damage - Critical Damage
5L: Frenzy - Faster Attacks - Physical Projectile Damage - Critical Damage - Added Fire
6L Frenzy - Faster Attacks - Physical Projectile Damage - Critical Damage - Added Fire - Weapon Elemental/Critical Chance

1L: Puncture
2L: Puncture - Critical Damage
3L: Puncture - Critical Damage - Physical Projectile Damage
4L: Puncture - Critical Damage - Physical Projectile Damage - Faster Projectiles
5L: Puncture - Critical Damage - Physical Projectile Damage - Faster Projectiles - Added Fire
6L: Puncture - Critical Damage - Physical Projectile Damage - Faster Projectiles - Added Fire - Critical Chance
You can toss in Item Rarity where ever, when ever. You do insane damage anyways.

-Immortal Call Setup-
The CWDT will cast whatever you link to it in a clockwise manner, keep this in mind.
1L: Can't Work derp
2L: Cast When Damage Taken - Enduring Cry/Immortal Call
3L: CWDT - Enduring Cry - Immortal Call
4L: CWDT - Enduring Cry - Immortal Call - Rejuvination Totem/Whatever you want

-Puncture Vs. Frenzy-
I have both 4L'ed at the moment because they both have their uses. If I'm in a pinch where I have no more potions, no charges, I use frenzy to get to my 5 stacks so I can start racking up %regen. In this time I have a 10 second window to use whatever skill I wish. You may argue that Frenzy was nerfed, this may be true, but bows did get a very nice buff. And on top of that the unnerfed puncture is also very strong. In the video update i posted i calculated the rough % damage of puncture on a crit. My gem being level 17 gave me 107% increased damage of the physical hit done while moving plus 64% physical and my 515% multiplier so that will equate to 1.0 + 1.64 + 2.07 + 5.15 = 9.86 = 986% Physical taken from the blood alone on crit and if they are moving. In most cases they barely last 2 seconds tops. Frenzy is a quick caretaker of rares that don't involve reflect. I will go over reflect in another section of this guide.

-Split Arrow vs Tornado Shot-
Ok. #infinitehype on the tornado shot. I'm not on that hype train. Why? I'll tell you. At level 18 Split Arrow I fire 7 arrows. All of them can chain twice. Let's say you fire into a huge pack. You do 7 initial hits, and 14 because of chain. Total of 21 hits. I do about 2K combined damage, keep in mind when I'm talking about 1k comined damage, I'm not talking about 1.5k Tooltip. 21 Hits x 1.5K damage = 31.5K Per Split Arrow cast. Also fires in a very large cone area, with the power to hit things off screen.

Now let's look from the tornado shot standpoint. I did testing in my hideout with palisades and noticed it fires 4 projectiles per tornado shot, I am using lmp so lets multiply that by 3. 12 Hits potential. I can do 2k per tornado shot. The mechanics on tornado shot I believe are the damage of the tool tip ex.cold + fire + phys is split among the the 4 projectiles fired. I just ran a few maps and noticed only one or two will hit in the pack and the rest will hit walls. Let's say 2/4 projectiles hit if you're lucky. 2 x 3 6 Hits total. 1/4 of 2k is 500. 500 x 6 3K total damage.

Final Verdict?
Tornado Shot is a shitty Rain of Arrows. My two cents on the topic atlaest.


1L: Hatred
2L: Hatred - Reduced Mana
3L: Herald Of Ice - Herald of Ash - Reduced Mana
4L Herald Of Ice - Herald of Ash - Reduced Mana - Hatred

-Frequently Asked Questions-

Q: Yo Nemo, why do you have such a small amount of life at the moment?
A: Rampage just started, and there isn't much gear worth buying as of now, and I do plan on finding the best gear possible for my character when the economy evens out, and gear on the market becomes more available.

Q: How much critical strike multiplier is too much?
A: Whatever the number is that you can't handle reflect with.

Q: Brometheus, I keep one-shotting myself to reflect mobs/packs, what do I do?
A: Get your chance to evade% to atleast 48% chance to evade so that ondars guile will double that to projectiles, therefore giving you an effective 96% chance to evade projectiles, and since you fire projectiles, the reflect will be based on projectiles you fire, and yes you can evade your own attacks.

Q: Why only 48% chance to evade? Won't 50% chance to evade give me 100% immortality to projectiles?
A: Lolnope, I wish, I actually thought that until I learned the cold truth that the global evasion cap is 95%. So GG GGG. Well played.

Q: But... Reflect is op...
A: Is Ondar's Guile not enough for you? Well it's kden because you should have 40% chance to evade attacks with acrobatics and the nodes on the way to phase acrobatics.

Q: What is your DPS?
Aura's On, No Charges:
7,344.3 - Split Arrow 6L
13,151.5 - Frenzy 6L
17,137.5 - Puncture 4L

Aura's Off, No Charges:
4,578 - Split Arrow
6,808.7 - Frenzy
10,697.1 - Puncture

Aura's On, 5 Power/5 Frenzy Charges:
10,042.2 - Split Arrow
29,708 - Frenzy
23,338 - Puncture

Q: How often do you stream?
A: I stream whenever I can/want to. I do it for you guys, and for personal reference for improving guides I do, and bettering my knowledge and IQ of the Path of Exile world. I usually stream everyday from the time I wake up, till the time I sleep as long as I have at least one person watching. I have priorities however, I have school coming up pretty soon and family, friends, education comes first, then comes games. (Learn from me children hue)






-----------------------To Be Continued...--------------------
Always looking for constructive criticism and questions to answer!
Stream: Twitch.tv/BestNemoMIA
Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1001772/page/1/#p8503406
Last edited by xSigma#3753 on Aug 29, 2014, 4:53:57 PM
Looks pretty solid and versatile for any skill, wouldn't it be better to drop the 4 points leading to Path of the Warrior and go for Revenge of the Hunted? You trade 3% Life and +10 Armor for 34% Evasion.
Siraja wrote:
Looks pretty solid and versatile for any skill, wouldn't it be better to drop the 4 points leading to Path of the Warrior and go for Revenge of the Hunted? You trade 3% Life and +10 Armor for 34% Evasion.

I dont think it would be point efficient as it takes 1 travelling node (the +10 dex) and you will get 12% life 34evasion 12% phys vs 15% life 12% phys and the much needed strength. If that +10 dex node wasnt there I'd take it for sure but im probably in need of some min max optimization.
I have a mid-range level 49 ranger that focused on lightning arrow with LMP. I'm considering a switch to split arrow with the respec available. How does this build do with mana management? I find myself often spamming mana pots with my lightning arrow build.
Last edited by B00urns#4519 on Aug 22, 2014, 3:48:48 PM
B00urns wrote:
I have a mid-range level 49 ranger that focused on lightning arrow with LMP. I'm considering a switch to split arrow with the respec available. How does this build do with mana management? I find myself often spamming mana pots with my lightning arrow build.

I take the Mana leech node in the shadow tree and i run into almost no problems with mana. Only problems i have with mana is when i don't hit anything or its a 50% regen but even then its not that bad.
Making a video cuz bored
Video uploaded
Nice build dude. Herald of Ash and Ice is a pretty good addition.

I was thinking of running Puncture as a Single Target though and had basically the same tree. Looks like I'm gonna run this. :D
IGN: Constantly Changing
GeistDawg wrote:
Nice build dude. Herald of Ash and Ice is a pretty good addition.

I was thinking of running Puncture as a Single Target though and had basically the same tree. Looks like I'm gonna run this. :D

I've been experimenting with frenzy and puncture and I think they are situational, if the target moves around a lot go with puncture, and if puncture crits the bleed is insane, but if it sationary frenzy stomps puncture.
looks very solid, currently leveling a ranger and i'll probably use this build =)

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