Beyond League

BearCares wrote:

Okay one THINLY veiled insult after the other from you, thanks bro, but I'll address some of your "questions" just for kicks

bad gear:
I had horrendous luck with this character. Over eighteen levels only one currency item dropped for me. It was a wisdom scroll. Yes, I only got 1 wisdom scroll to drop and no portal scrolls for this character. To ID things I had to vendor white gear, since I had no portal scroll I had to log out/ log in just to return to town. It was too slow. So I ended up just taking things that weren't completely terrible. I don't have the wisdom scrolls to ID anything. And no portal scrolls to escape. None. And you know what, I still fought Brutus solo, completed 2 corrupted zones, opened half the boxes I encountered, and fought the Beyond spawns. Of course I wasn't stupid enough to do Merveil solo without a portal though =p. I'm not a HC vet who will instinctively alt+f4 at the first sign of danger

Beyond bosses
Did I intentionally look for them at such low level? no. Why would I? My build isn't anywhere near taking off yet. It would be silly to hunt monsters at such a low level anyway, what would I expect them to drop for me? A blackheart? Was I trying to avoid spawning them? If I was surrounded by necromancers shocking ground, sure I would avoid the portals. But if it was relatively safe I just cleaved away as bear trap + vaal lighting trap just obliterated them when I was solo. Also, how can you tell me, that the summoner and I shoudl have been able to beat that beyond boss? You don't even know which boss it was. And you don't even know what that summoner's build was (it was summon skeletons), and the boss would just run right away from them.

anyways thanks for the thinly veiled insults. I will keep you posted =p

There's not much variety in Beyond monsters, there's only a handful different types. There's no real variety in summoner builds either at lower levels before you get spectres, more passives and more supports. The only nodes within reach are zombie and skeleton nodes and SRS only takes off at higher levels when you get more cast speed, auras and/or duration as well as a few supports. Of course he's going to be using summon skeletons.

And all of this just echoes what everyone else is saying. It's not that these mobs are hard. It's that they drop bad gear, as you noticed, and that they simply take too long too kill and regenerate too much, as you noticed as well.

For all your attempts to dismiss legitimate issues you simply end up saying the exact same things as most are in this thread.
My vision for a better PoE:
No I am not saying the exact same thing as you. I am saying *nearly* the opposite. There is a difference, after all. \o/

There was one mob we couldn't kill. There were 15 that we blew up almost instantly by surrounding with skellies and blowing him up with vaal lighting trap + bear trap. This was the one mob that kept slipping away and regenning.
Last edited by BearCares#6660 on Aug 22, 2014, 9:48:34 AM
I~~~~~~m b~~~~~~~ack

Yes, I never played in a hardcore league before but my beyond character has managed not to rip in pepperoni slices just yet. And I still am not understanding the whining about the bosses yet. They don't even happen that often. Maybe one and half times per map? That's not really that many. Also, the stronger your character becomes the more you can tank them and take them out.

The Witcher Beyond build develops!



I really hate the annoying overpowered mindless beyond mobs.

GGG said you could avoid them.. Well fuck that. It's impossible to guess when they will spawn. Sometimes i shoot a group of 30 mobs and they don't spawn while returning on a spot killing a mob spawns them.

It just again RNG and tonight my lvl 54 was farming cruel docks while a reflect phys dmg + extra fire dmg beyond archers appear. I was dead before I could see what happend.

Is it normal that a char with maxed out res, 2400 life, 2% life leech kills himself within 1 second after spawning?

I was forced to farm docks while I was already in Merc due to unbelievable bad drops. I killed EVERY beyond mob i came across and NEVER they gave a rare! NEVER!

What is this shit AGAIN with the drops? Why is it so bad? Sorry but it seems you have not learned from the past. Those Masters are a very nice addition to the game but please fire the guy who invented those beyond mobs. I have a feeling we have a reeep PoE on our hand.
The force is strong in the power of the thorns!
Last edited by Pendoza#6161 on Aug 23, 2014, 6:30:34 PM
Pendoza wrote:
I really hate the annoying overpowered mindless beyond mobs.

GGG said you could avoid them.. Well fuck that. It's impossible to guess when they will spawn. Sometimes i shoot a group of 30 mobs and they don't spawn while returning on a spot killing a mob spawns them.

It just again RNG and tonight my lvl 54 was farming cruel docks while a reflect phys dmg + extra fire dmg beyond archers appear. I was dead before I could see what happend.

Is it normal that a char with maxed out res, 2400 life, 2% life leech kills himself within 1 second after spawning?

I was forced to farm docks while I was already in Merc due to unbelievable bad drops. I killed EVERY beyond mob i came across and NEVER they gave a rare! NEVER!

What is this shit AGAIN with the drops? Why is it so bad? Sorry but it seems you have not learned from the past. Those Masters are a very nice addition to the game but please fire the guy who invented those beyond mobs. I have a feeling we have a reeep PoE on our hand.

I don't feel it's RNG! I don't. I feel like you're supposed to play the game differently. Traps for example or a long duration frost wall can help you manage the mobs a lot better, adding strategy to the combat. Stacking defenses and spamming attacks isn't the proper thing to do in this league unless you're looking for beyond bosses. It is in Rampage though! Anyone who comes here complaining about Beyond leauge, sorry I'm gonna have to defend it again and again and again!

People keep wondering where is the risk/reward pay off to Beyond league? Well it's the 3 league specific uniques that have been gated behind a high difficulty league. If you can hang in there long enough to collect one sword, one axe, and two sceptres I'd say you've had a successful Beyond run. Then you can go to standard and just spam away till your heart's content with some uber rare items fueling your next crazy builds.
Last edited by BearCares#6660 on Aug 23, 2014, 6:49:11 PM
BearCares wrote:

I don't feel it's RNG! I don't. I feel like you're supposed to play the game differently. Traps for example or a long duration frost wall can help you manage the mobs a lot better, adding strategy to the combat. Stacking defenses and spamming attacks isn't the proper thing to do in this league unless you're looking for beyond bosses. It is in Rampage though! Anyone who comes here complaining about Beyond leauge, sorry I'm gonna have to defend it again and again and again!

People keep wondering where is the risk/reward pay off to Beyond league? Well it's the 3 league specific uniques that have been gated behind a high difficulty league. If you can hang in there long enough to collect one sword, one axe, and two sceptres I'd say you've had a successful Beyond run. Then you can go to standard and just spam away till your heart's content with some uber rare items fueling your next crazy builds.

So you are telling me you play for those 3 uniques? I didn't even knew about them. I play for the fun. Building a char. Knowing when he is ready to progress to the next phase. Now it's like playing a lottery.
The force is strong in the power of the thorns!
Just quit Beyond and started playing normal HC again.

Playing Beyond in later levels is just NOT FUN. Period.

If the monster pool would be bigger, had way more variation or would spawn something else besides monsters it definitely would be more interesting.

But as for now it's just incredible tedious, boring and absolutely uninteresting because you know that you will fight against the same uninteresting and bland mobs again and again.

Worst league so far.

My little tribute to Diablo 1 aka why Diablo 3 is the worst part of the series.

ig: Witchfire_The_Unholy
Last edited by Diablo1reborn#2842 on Aug 24, 2014, 4:55:42 AM
I honestly don't understand all these QQ

I manage to summon 3-4 beyond packs per istance (on purpose too) and they NEVER gave me any problem. I had to skip only one rare that was double resist + double regene. Usually only 30-40% of those packs requires me more than 10 seconds to deal with

Their damage is low-mid while leveling since i facetank them up to a3c with a single granite flask and 2.3k hp or if needed a purity of elements to go 75% all res.

I dunno if my build is strong, i'm a crit fire ice spear ele proliferator with AoF and:

Yes, that is the armor i'm using at level 53

The only complaint is reward. I drop literally a rare each 5 rare beyonders. Pretty underwhelming.

As someone said before me. Put on your thinking caps. smoke mine and freeze mine are actually perfect choices to counter beyonders. If you don't have fun it's another story and i'm sad for you :(
Last edited by Mahesys#6567 on Aug 24, 2014, 5:25:23 AM
so you chainfreeze the screen and call it easy ?...seems legit

@ bearcares iam proud of you that you manage to kill the beyonds in no time while hiding behind a group and sharing aggro/5 and you even manage to stay impressive
better stick to your tree is awesome because i can get 100 allresi now thread

this league is beyond stupid it punishes you for mob density/clearspeed and it starts to get really annoying in merc

just an example lets take a simple fight like the bosscrab act1 merc you hit it a few times with heavy strike he starts to spawn spitter adds now(new) you have to facetank the boss in his adds while the adds acumulate and attack you+ the boss

you could however groundslam one time into the pack mostly kill them all and get obliterated by beyond spawns supporting the remaining spitter and boss with insane haste/crit/reflect/ auras
you are forced to not kill too much spitter (its like a quest in a quest)

i really dont like it i have to count balls on the ground have to be in constant motion to not let them add up have to be at capped frost and fire the moment i move out to coast you cant lower your guard for a single moment in this league

5% duellist 10% mara says all its what now 3rd league with season of the witch ? Join the fun.
SSF HC Legacy Witch Lvl 53
Last edited by ventiman#1405 on Aug 24, 2014, 6:11:44 AM
ventiman wrote:
so you chainfreeze the screen and call it easy ?...seems legit

Re-read my post honey, AoF = avatar of fire and cold to fire means i BURN enemies with ice spear not freeze them, no chainfreezing involved in my playstyle

Reading too op

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