[1.3] HvR's Crit Shockwave 3M Beyond Witch - Beginner Friendly - Atziri Down
" Because they are affected by auras. Even more so now with 1.3.0. -Auras and aura-like effects can now affect totems. -Summoned totems are only affected by auras that affect defensive properties. -Summoned totems still use their summoner's skills. In order for an offensive aura to have an effect, it must affect the summoner, not the totem. Taking that last one into account and applying it to a aura like Hatred (since it is an offensive aura), you can see why it would affect the totem (because it affects the summoner). Edit: This is why self-buffs like the Heralds apply to your totems as well. Last edited by GoatEatingToilet#3170 on Jan 19, 2015, 11:53:59 PM
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i see it now.. thanks a lot!
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Is 20k dps per totem (26k with 7 power charges) good with just average gears? (and not dual void batteries or 6L CoD etc)
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Last edited by dupie#7991 on Jan 3, 2016, 11:26:52 PM
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i killed abaxoth with 20/0 totem lvl 85 torment
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Final Beyond Char Stats
Level 96 4159 HP + 1400 Unreserved Mana (5559) 75 All Res Level 22 AA 267.1 Mana Regen 33.3 Life Regen 221 IIR (278 Flask & 18 IIQ) No Rarity Gem DPS: 58K DPS Per Totem with a single Voidbattery and one 5chaos wand 48K DPS Per Totem with dual 5chaos wands 32.5K DPS Per totem with dual lifesprigs (These numbers are with Maligaros and a 21swt, its around ~2-4K dps less with aurseize. Also Keep in mind the stats are using the 1.2 Skill Tree) Is this the stats when u are unbuffed? no clarity/hatered etc? |
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with very little totem defense nodes and not supporting them with Purity of Elements, how is the survivability of the totems? I have developed a few totem builds that take all of the defense nodes and supports them through auras as well as endurance charges and there are still times where they die as soon as they spawn. Isn't having so little defense on the totems a problem in a lot of higher end maps? especially since you dont have totemic zeal so there is going to be a noticeable delay before the totems can start attacking.
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" Hi, I'm not sure how many people are still following the thread but I'll try to comment from my own experience. Before maps the totem survivability is perfectly fine. Once you're a bit into mapping a 20% quality totem becomes more of a necessity. At 20% it gains 60% increased totem life which combined with the knockback effect from the totems keeps them alive. It would be nice if there was a way to easily increase their survivability even more though. As far as the totemic zeal node it actually only causes you to summon the totem itself faster rather than increase the cast speed of the totem. It's been a while since I've been close enough on the tree to use it but the reason it used to (or probably still does) increase the tooltip dps is due to a bug with the calculation using your cast speed to determine dps without knowing that 30% of that doesn't apply. You should be able to do a forum search to find a verification on that as I've seen it discussed a couple times now. Overall I don't think you have anything to worry about. Shockwave totems ability to stay alive is quite good. The only real times I have problems is perhaps a room full of spark or multi proj fireballs which you could deal with a couple ways such as temp chains to slow things down a bit. |
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" Sorry to respond again but I was thinking about something I didn't mention in my last post. You mentioned endurance charges on the totems. While an awesome idea it's fairly hard to use in practice since the totems have to generate the charges themselves with something like warlord's mark. In the past people have assumed endurance charges on yourself are shared with your totems but that's only true with power/frenzy as totems are not capable of having those charge types themselves. Since I was doubting myself on that one I went ahead and found a post from Mark_GGG that clarifies it at the bottom of the linked page. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1240257/page/1 |
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Doing this build in the 1 month hardcore race right now. Never played hc before and never will again because it doesn't suit my aggressive playstyle but I wanted to say thank you for this build.
I found a 17% swt before ripping my first char and thought I give it a shot. I played flame totem before and found it too squishy even with full nodes, 20% gem and the totem armor but this build is much better. Sure the totems are still squishy but the knockback & chill / freeze for all monsters in a huge aoe (depending on your set up) provides lot of free utility considering the totems also do a buttload of damage when they crit. I'm sitting at lvl 72 right now got 2/4 challenges done without special gear. I was lucky and found a carcass jack which saves a gem slot due to the 20% aoe it supplies. One thing though I think any totem build without quality on the gem (best go for 20%) is pretty bad. 60% life is just too good. That's the only thing this build really needs imho. Else it's fine with selffound gear. www.deviantart.com/van1sh3d Last edited by Unt0uch#7845 on Apr 18, 2015, 7:00:23 PM
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