[1.3] HvR's Crit Shockwave 3M Beyond Witch - Beginner Friendly - Atziri Down
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How To use this Thread
I highly recommend that you use this thread as a tool to guide you instead of just photo-copying the build. A lot of the things I say are my opinions after playing the spec and testing many different variations. I encourage anyone that plays this build to not just regurgitate the build but to experiment on their own to learn what combination is the most efficient and the most fun for themselves.
Final Beyond Char Stats Level 96 4159 HP + 1400 Unreserved Mana (5559) 75 All Res Level 22 AA 267.1 Mana Regen 33.3 Life Regen 221 IIR (278 Flask & 18 IIQ) No Rarity Gem DPS: 58K DPS Per Totem with a single Voidbattery and one 5chaos wand 48K DPS Per Totem with dual 5chaos wands 32.5K DPS Per totem with dual lifesprigs (These numbers are with Maligaros and a 21swt, its around ~2-4K dps less with aurseize. Also Keep in mind the stats are using the 1.2 Skill Tree) Keystones: Ancestral Bond Eldritch Battery Mind over Matter (from Cloak of Defiance)
My First Beyond Atziri Kill on Dual Critwave Totems
My First Beyond Atziri Kill on Dual Critwave Totems
Atziri Kills: 34 Swap Gear Flasks
My RIP to Atziri
My RIP to Atziri
How to Avoid This: Don't play while tired Use your flasks Drop Hatred for PoL + PoF
https://github.com/EmmittJ/PoESkillTree/releases/download/2.1.1pre1/PoESkillTree-2.1.1pre1-1.2Data.zip - You will need a 1.2.0 Skill Tree Planner to view these trees! Still 96 Because Casual Sept 12 - NEW MF Setup Gear
Passive Tree
Level 96 Gear
Vaal Summon Skeles - For added safety during courtyard bosses Herald of Ice + Purity of Elements - I take out hatred and assassins mark and swap to these on Ele Weakness Maps. I use Atziri's Foible and a 450 ES Shield for half regen maps. Aug 31 Level 94 Gear
Some Swap stuff Passives
I would like to note here that void battery is NOT necessary. I went from 40K per totem with 5 chaos wands to 50K per totem with one void battery (25exalts). In solo play there is almost 0 difference between 40-50k dps because when you crit you one shot the mob pack anyways. 51K dps with dual wands, 48k with the spell dmg, cc shield. Aug 30 Level 92 Gear
Found some gear upgrades and dropped foible, have 277 mana regen and 40k dps per totem now :). Specced into a bit more crit multi as well to test things out. Aug 28 level 90 Gear
I've changed from divinarius and shield to cast speed crit multi wands. I can confidently say that wands with cast speed are a LOT better than divinarius and the AoE from them is not needed when you have 4+ casts per second. I believe dual wand (with cast speed) is superior in comparison to dual divinarius or other combos for dps and clear speed. Aug 27 Level 89
27K dps per totem and its still only going to go up with levels :). Aug 25 Level 77 Gear
Passive Tree
Traded my 5L Cloak + 10ex for a 6L cloak, huge clear speed increase with inc aoe. Aug 25 Gear
NEW Char HvNiceDDOS Aug 24 - Level 63 Gear
Passive Tree
I go dual totem in a 4l around level 30-35, I rush the templar area. RIP HvSPACECLAM Aug 23 I died at level 84 rank 9 on the ladder. I was doing temple piety (level 71 map), at that moment someone decided that they would DDOS every game Kripparrian was playing. Kripp decided to log in to PoE while I was doing Piety. The DDOS began, I logged out, 5-8+ Seconds after I logged out I was told I ripped and also the servers crashed to the DDOS. Not sure if I will be roll-backed or not but I've already started rerolling if so. Final Gear
Final Passive Tree
Aug 23 Gear
Got 17-20K DPS per totem now, getting last couple of life nodes than cast speed, crit multi, power charges, and the 2 8% aoe nodes. Aug 22 Gear
Aug 21 Gear
https://github.com/EmmittJ/PoESkillTree/releases/tag/2.1.1pre1 - You will need a 1.3 Skill Planner until the website is updated! You want to pick up your crit nodes at the end, flat damage and cast speed is more important early on. 41 Points I typically rush templar and go dual totems around level 30-40ish. You should buy a 4L (Pay an alch/fuse max for this) with 2B2R or even better get a 5L (Try to pay 5-10chaos for this) with 3B2R. Recommended gems and links are discussed below. Note: I haven't selected the dual totem node yet in that skill tree, take it when you have the gems and the witch + templar aoe nodes. 59 Points If you want a bit of temporary extra damage take the 10% spell damage nodes in witch or shamanistic fury on the way to templar. At this point you should be easily clearing packs and destroying the beyond mobs for easy and fast xp. 99 Points You should have a decent amount of crit chance now and will be shattering mobs when you crit due to hatred. Soon you'll want to use Ice Spear to maintain power charges and switch from vulnerability to assassin's mark. 115 Points This is what I would most likely run end game REMEMBER spell damage / physical damage and cast speed is BETTER than going for a crit build early on. Gear Look at my character(s) progression and see what I use/do at various levels for assistance. LINKS
Video showing DPS and AoE of Various 5L Setups
4L SWT - FASTER CASTING - CONC EFFECT/ADDED FIRE - INC AOE/ADDED FIRE 5L SWT - FASTER CASTING - CONC EFFECT - INC AOE - CRIT DMG/ADDED FIRE Feel free to swap the above links to suit your needs (more dps, more rarity, more aoe, etc). Added fire will be better early on when your crit chance is low, but you will eventually want to swap to Crit Dmg for optimal clear speed. Use Vulnerability while leveling but swap to Assassin's Mark later on in maps once you start getting your crit chance up and can maintain power charges via ice spear.
Old Wall of Text about AoE
Conc Effect, Inc Aoe, Divinarius & OMG I Can't Afford a 6Link Concentrated Effect is a very powerful gem offering 69% MORE (Multiplicative) Damage and 15% Reduced Mana Cost at Level 20/20% Quality. However it has the downside of 30% Less AoE. To keep this short and sweet, I believe it's a mandatory gem, even in a 4L because of it's enormous damage boost and the tankiness of Beyond Mobs. AoE is not that important early since you won't be full clearing City of Sarn or Docks when leveling and you want to obliterate the Beyond Packs that spawn quickly while you move to the next pack. However, eventually you'll be clearing maps and AoE might become an issue. You might not have a 6L Chest (well most of you won't have one) and will be using Increased Critical Damage in a 5Link. This would be the one time I would recommend dual divinarius over dual wands because: -You've gone the Crit Route so dropping the enormous single target damage from a 20/20 Crit Damage Gem is silly -You have all the AoE Nodes in Templar and Witch and it still isn't enough (I honestly think it's enough but to each is own) Than go ahead and purchase one or two divinarius's for +10-20% Inc Aoe, 140-280% Critical Strike Chance and the loss of a potential 44% Cast speed and other good mods that wands have. It's worth noting that you cannot dual wield a wand and a dagger so you will probably have to use a shield at first if you can only get one divinarius at the start. OR You can use 2 x 5Chaos Wands till Level 100, casting your totems maybe a dozen times more per map (possibly less since mobs will run towards your totems anyways) whilst saving up for your 6L using the exalts you saved by not purchasing divinarius. OR Drop Increased Critical Damage or Conc Effect or Faster Casting or Added Fire for Inc AoE Recommended Auras Clarity + Hatred + Herald of Thunder when using a Cloak of Defiance Consider adding Herald of Ice and Herald of Ashe along with taking Sovereignty in the passive tree for even more DPS if you are using a non-MoM chest such as carcass jack. BANDITS: OAK OAK ALIRA
I believe these 4 Flasks are optimal if not mandatory. I prefer to play with a Topaz and a Ruby on all of my characters since +10% Maximum Resistance offers a significant amount of mitigation. I also prefer 2 Curse removal flasks to protect myself against enemy curses since there are a lot of mobs that will curse you and have the potential to insta-kill your character if you do not remove the curse immediately. The wardings fit perfectly on the ruby and topaz whereas if they were on a health pot they would expire prematurely when you heal to full. 2 x Seething are for quick healing in danger. Removes bleeding is for corrupted blood and puncture. Dispels frozen and chilled is necessary to open boxes and burst cold damage. The 5th flask is up to you: add in a quicksilver, granite, hybrid flask, sanctified mana flask, sapphire flask or whatever you want to suit your needs. If you want additional damage, the atziri flask is very strong. FAQ: Q: I'm a total noob can I do this as a beginner? Yes, its very beginner friendly and is a great introduction to game mechanics. Q: Where do I go first as witch? Go for Dual totem first than get EB. Level with SWT/Searing Bond/Freeze pulse until you get it. Q: Can I do this as another class? I believe witch is the most optimal but shadow and templar aren't too bad either. Q: What affects my SWTs damage? Spell damage, Physical Damage, Global Critical Strike Chance, Spell Critical Strike Chance, Critical Strike Multiplier, and Increased Cast Speed. Q: Do I need to go crit? No, you can scale SWT without it but crit is a very small investment for a huge increase in damage. Every time you go non crit swt I die a bit inside. Q: How are you doing 48K DPS with 5 chaos wands and I'm stuck at 5K DPS per totem?!? SWT, like any other spell, scales very well with gem levels and the character levels because there are a lot of solid damage nodes in the tree. If you have the extra cash and want damage now, you can purchase a level 19-21 SWT to bump your clear speed. From personal experience on both of my characters, I believe I've had a "day" where I was sitting around 4-5K DPS per totem and ended the day at around 17-20K+ DPS. The following days my damage usually increased by large amounts as well. Q: How are you using Ice Spear with the Ancestral Bond Keystone? What is Ice Spear's purpose? The wording on Ancestral Bond is: "You can't deal damage with your Skills yourself". That does not mean I can't use skill's myself, I can use any skill I want it just won't do any damage (traps are an exception). Ice spear has a really high base crit chance of 7% with 600% increased critical strike chance in it's second form. Due to it's high rate of critical strikes (which do 0 damage), in combination with GMP (so I don't have to be super accurate), faster casting, and Power Charge on Crit (69% Chance to gain a power charge on critical strike at 20/20) it's a prime candidate to increase my critical strike chance and my spell damage (4% Increased Spell damage per Power Charge node above Instability in Witch). Q: If your Ice Spear does 0 damage, how do you freeze and shatter stuff? One of the ways status ailments are applied is through critical strikes, however, you must do enough damage to meet or surpass the minimum duration for the status ailment to take effect. My Ice spear does 0 damage so it will never meet the minimum duration to freeze a target. However, hatred adds a % of your physical damage as cold damage. With large amount's of critical strike multiplier you can easily surpass the minimum duration to freeze mobs and shatter everything. Q: Why Cloak of Defiance? Cloak of Defiance = Eseentially 40% dmg reduction vs hits that do not 1 shot you if you have enough mana regen. Excellent vs smaller hits, weaker vs bigger hits. Work's against both ELE and PHYS damage. Lighting coil = No MoM, EB is debatable to gain extra es = less mana regen. More ehp vs phys, less ehp vs ele. Good for physical one shots and small damage. Doesn't help too much against ELE damage (However since we no longer have the MoM keystone we can run purity of lightning now). Carcass Jack = DPS Chest with the 20% inc aoe. No MoM, getting EB is debatable to gain extra ES however you will have less mana regen. Weakest in terms of defence with my tree in my opinion, however in theory should provide the highest clear speed. If there were no beyond mobs, I would consider this chest. Note: I'll most likely be using a 20+ AA and CWDT + IC + Inc Duration with a self-cast Enduring Cry for frequent 3-5+ Seconds of Physical Immunity. I believe with the correct play style and these forms of mitigation Cloak of Defiance is the best choice for the most EHP vs Beyond Mobs which allows an aggressive play style for maximum clear speed. Q: Dual wield wands or wand/dagger + shield? Dual wield wands / dual wield divinarius for maximum dps. Use a shield for survivability. My personal opinion is that you won't need to use a shield till late end game (75+ Maps). However if you do use a shield, I recommend getting spell damage on it. I'm chaining 77+ Maps solo with dual wands and I'm feeling fine. DPS is a strong form of survivability. Q: Why don't you run Herald of Ash? I lose around ~540 Mana for a couple thousand dps boost. The trade is not worth it all since Mana = Life with the Mind over Matter Keystone and the increase in clear speed is negligible. Q: How is the mobility without a quicksilver? 20/20 Lightning Warp + 20/20 Reduced Duration is all you need to move extremely fast. You can combo this with faster casting and the cast speed from your tree/gear for Enigma-esque movement. A thought experiment if you're debating a quicksilver vs another flask. Would you take 10% Maximum Resist or 70% Movement speed? Q: How do you live without a Granite? Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call + Increased Duration with a self cast Enduring Cry is all I need for physical damage. This setup gives me 3-5+ seconds of 100% physical immunity on a regular basis. I don't think self casting enduring cry is a waste of time since there is a small downtime while you are waiting for your totems to kill stuff. Q: Is this build expensive? You can play this build 100% self found. The only items I bought are Cloak of Defiance (for MoM keystone, costs around 1.5-3ex unlinked), divinarius (1.5-2.5ex - this item is NOT mandatory*), atziri's foible (2-5c), and maligaros (7-15c). *I'll repeat it again, divinarius is not mandatory. Divinarius has 0% cast speed, you can get up to 22% on a wand, cast speed is really important for the build. You can craft your own wand by transmuting white wands until you get either spell damage or cast speed and add the other via Catarina's crafting bench. Once you have a basic spelldmg and cast speed wand you can repeat the process and add spell critical strike on your wands. Q: Can I go MF with this? Yes, I played an mf variant with an IIR gem and aurseize at the start to acquire currency. Q: How nice is this build? It's a NiceBuild™ Twitch.tv/Havoc616 --- Youtube.com/Havoc616 HvR 100 #1 SC/World - HvA 100 #2 Nemesis/#3 HC - HvTradeAfterMap 100 #1 Bloodlines #1 Atziri & Uber Atziri Kill Invasion - #1 Bloodlines Uber Kill Fix Level 100 Ladder Bug (November 2013) Last edited by Havoc6#1629 on Dec 12, 2014, 8:40:49 AM
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nice build
@Etti |
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is this build viable for beyond solo play? :)
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" I'm solo 80%+ of the time, yes it is. Twitch.tv/Havoc616 --- Youtube.com/Havoc616
HvR 100 #1 SC/World - HvA 100 #2 Nemesis/#3 HC - HvTradeAfterMap 100 #1 Bloodlines #1 Atziri & Uber Atziri Kill Invasion - #1 Bloodlines Uber Kill Fix Level 100 Ladder Bug (November 2013) |
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Do you think that is Atziri capable?
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" Capable? Yes.(?) Optimal? I doubt it but I haven't reached a high enough level to see how it fares end game. Fight 1 would be saffels + puritys. Fight 2 should be a joke with AA, mom, cwdt ic. Fight 3 again should be doable but without armour the spears will chunk for a lot of damage. Also I have to dodge most abilities instead of a character that can just facetank. Another character is probably better for this. Dropping my offhand for defense sucks because it is a huge source of damage for the build and I would prefer not too. Twitch.tv/Havoc616 --- Youtube.com/Havoc616
HvR 100 #1 SC/World - HvA 100 #2 Nemesis/#3 HC - HvTradeAfterMap 100 #1 Bloodlines #1 Atziri & Uber Atziri Kill Invasion - #1 Bloodlines Uber Kill Fix Level 100 Ladder Bug (November 2013) |
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Can you tell me about your clear speeds compared to other builds?
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ripped to vaal molten shell monkey totem crazyness, rerolling this Nice Build, so far so good! <3 you
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I'm using this build and I love it so far. I recommend you change the order on your 4L, increased aoe is much better at lower levels than conc effect
Very Nice.Build!! |
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