(2.1) Jedi Strike -- litesabr's Doryani Lightsabres - BACK IN ACTION!!
Sorry I haven't kept up with this for a bit; full time job = far less time for PoE. I'll post an answer to these questions this evening. Can't now because I have to go to, you guessed it, work.
ign crixus_sabr
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" Well, the main damage nerf came from the Critical Damage gem which went from +149% --> 75% increased crit dmg. I'm debating on a replacement gem for it right now. I tried out physical-to-lightning which does increase damage a lot, but it also removes all physical damage which is needed for mana leech. Dealing with reflect is the same as in 1.2 and hasn't changed from my explanation in the build under build logic. " I am about to go in and update these. They are "broken" because they are still using the old 1.2 skill tree. EDIT: I just updated the build guide. ign crixus_sabr Last edited by litesabr#0767 on Jan 17, 2015, 9:27:47 PM
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Okay so before the reset i had a molten striker and he was a lot of fun.. i want to improve him with the new tree.
this was my gear. I used resolute technique, iron reflex, point blank and Avatar of fire.. i made about 23k fire dps without crits using doryani belt and mace gave me 2% life leech and the Bor + aegis and spell block combo really made him tanky What would you suggest for this build with the changes? some of the counter attack spells and block passives are pretty cool. should i drop the sheild for more dmg? how is survivability with two weapons? Why acro instead of armor? armor seemed to get some cool buffs.. Why didn't you grab avatar of fire or celestial punishment? how did you sustain mana? i used blood magic gem i will be using a 6L armor now and dropping Resolute technique and BOR. Thanks! |
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" " Dual wield has some serious buffs for damage which gives a lot more life leech. I don't like using the doryani belt because you can get 150hp on a life belt. As for block, it's either a choice of block or acrobatics. I like that acrobatics isn't based on item choice. Also, with evasion, it really helps with reflect because you can use a jade flask to evade projectiles with Ondar's Guile. " Armour has had some serious buffs this patch, but I prefer to just avoid most damage and have a high enough life total to absorb the ones that do hit me. You can avoid elemental hits too, not just physical which is the only damage type that armour reduces. If you did want to use an armor version, I would suggest supporting it with endurance charges that you keep on. Each one reduces physical damage by another 4% which is much more effective than armor increases once u get above 15k armor. " I use mana leech on an item and also Herald of Thunder paired with a mana leech gem. ign crixus_sabr Last edited by litesabr#0767 on Jan 17, 2015, 10:53:05 PM
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Hmm ok yeah i think i might give it a try without the sheild another catalyst + crits should be fun,
why don't you have celstial punishment or w/e or AOF Also your guide says to use Point blank but your tree doesn't have it spec'd Last edited by Rnew1990#5171 on Jan 17, 2015, 11:14:15 PM
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" Celestial punishment is nice, but i think it's just a bit too far. I guess you could get it if you wanted to sacrifice some life for it instead. AOF? If you meant AoE, no, I don't like it because it reduces the overlapping effect of the Molten Strike lava balls for single target damage. Point Blank is added in if you are doing only Molten Strike. If you at all want to use lightning strike, you won't want your damage to get reduced to almost nothing the farther your projectiles travel from you. ign crixus_sabr
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oh yeah i forgot you used lightning strike too, ill have to test it out. but no what i meant by AOF was avatar of fire, 100% fire dmg, i used it on my last build and it added a ton of dps but i think i might try celstial punishment if i can sacrifice the life, thanks!
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" For my AoF stuff, look under mana-vs-blood magic in my build logic. ign crixus_sabr Last edited by litesabr#0767 on Jan 18, 2015, 10:21:49 AM
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Hi there,
I love your build Im using it right now on my Duelist but I have huge problem with mana, I can either switch faster attacks to mana leech or use warlords mark all the time (wich is realy annoying), what can I do to get more mana can I choose some other way in skill tree or something? |
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" Do you have any mana leech on jewelry or gloves? That's a must for this build if you don't want to use warlord's mark. Another very helpful thing is to use mana leech + herald of thunder. ign crixus_sabr
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