Zizs Ascendant Only HC (PL6048)
Zizs Ascendant Only HC (PL6048)
Start Time:Oct 18, 2019, 10:00:00 AM (America/New_York)
Remaining Duration:0 days 0 hours 0 minutes
End Time:Nov 27, 2019, 9:00:00 AM (America/New_York)
League Type:PoE1 PC - Hardcore Blight
Players:1,513 / 2,000

No Magic or Rare Items Drop
Items of Magic or Rare rarity will not drop, they can be crafted.
Rank | Account | Character | Class | Level |
1 | gal4214#7786 | GAL_ZIZLEAGUE | Ascendant | 100 |
2 | Aveen_#6026 | AvnScuffoner | Ascendant | 100 |
3 | romners#5294 | romnPrivFB | Ascendant | 98 |
4 | Crikyy#1860 | astralnautNINETEEN | Ascendant | 98 |
5 | fdbug#2125 | Fdbug_Knight | Ascendant | 98 |
6 | blg_RealiZe#1295 | Demon_zizleague | Ascendant | 97 |
7 | Grimjao#3568 | Surge_ZiZLeague | Ascendant | 97 |
8 | HeXxeRacT#3622 | ExcuseMeMrOfficer | Ascendant | 97 |
9 | DivineChampion#3546 | WhatYouDoNotHaveCyclone | Ascendant | 96 |
10 | bigdummydan125#2158 | goodleagu | Ascendant | 96 |