Climax of the Random (PL14034)
Climax of the Random (PL14034)
Start Time:Mar 5, 2021, 12:00:00 PM (America/New_York)
Remaining Duration:0 days 0 hours 0 minutes
End Time:Mar 25, 2021, 1:00:00 PM (America/New_York)
League Type:PoE1 PC - SSF Ritual
Players:120 / 150

Increased Monster Damage I
Monsters deal 10% increased Damage.
Increased Monster Life I
Monsters have 20% more Life
Increased Monster Speed I
Monsters have 10% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
Rank | Account | Character | Class | Level |
1 | Zlage#2584 | Zlayge | Berserker | 95 |
2 | frodon#6471 | FrodonDrinjBro | Deadeye | 95 |
3 | Brumn#0853 | siwyyny | Necromancer | 94 |
4 | ouapapaladam#0622 | OuapaDédé | Inquisitor | 93 |
5 | Ruomwald#6776 | HeycualJuggES | Juggernaut | 92 |
6 | Vihelmo#5289 | Vihelmo_Climax | Champion | 92 |
7 | Slymhan#5902 | Slymhan | Ascendant | 92 |
8 | antrax16#6506 | antraxSSF | Ascendant | 91 |
9 | Pentocrator#4608 | Rob_inou | Occultist | 90 |
10 | Saelian#5922 | Saelian | Inquisitor | 90 |