BlightHardCoreNoMagicNow (PL6084)
BlightHardCoreNoMagicNow (PL6084)
Start Time:Oct 19, 2019, 3:10:28 AM (America/Chicago)
Remaining Duration:0 days 0 hours 0 minutes
End Time:Oct 29, 2019, 3:10:28 AM (America/Chicago)
League Type:PoE1 PC - Hardcore Blight
Players:13 / 20

No Magic or Rare Items Drop
Items of Magic or Rare rarity will not drop, they can be crafted.
Rank | Account | Character | Class | Level |
1 | iTzGoD#0223 | iTzFirstPlace | Trickster | 89 |
2 | Icoblablubb#1324 | LetsDieAgainkek | Necromancer | 86 |
3 | HUNTERHARD#5617 | ㆍBladeㆍrunnerㆍHUNTER | Juggernaut | 84 |
4 | __xyz___#4620 | kok_bored | Hierophant | 63 |
5 | Macabre15#4510 | themetaisdaniel | Inquisitor | 59 |
6 | HUNTERHARD#5617 | q๏๏p | Necromancer | 59 |
7 | pwcdpwcd#6448 | makkaraman | Guardian | 55 |
8 | iTzGoD#0223 | iTzKkForRealThough | Trickster | 52 |
9 | Semmelx3#1600 | RaccoonBlig | Ascendant | 50 |
10 | pwcdpwcd#6448 | poisonlolaa | Assassin | 47 |