Whirling Blades and Faster Casting?

Is Whirling Blades affected by Faster Casting support gem? I know its affected by faster attacks.

Also what are some good support gems for whirling blades?
- IGN: Aethaeri
Whirling blade is an attack. Attacks are never affected by cast speed.

Life gain on hit is a good support gem for whirling blade, since you are going to be hitting multiple targets with it.
Alteration Orb Union Local #7
"Holding the line, on sixteen to one!"
VoxelSquid wrote:
Whirling blade is an attack. Attacks are never affected by cast speed.

Life gain on hit is a good support gem for whirling blade, since you are going to be hitting multiple targets with it.

Life on attack is good but u can get that from curse called "Warlord's Mark" so my choice for support gems are( btw i use DW dagger shadow spec) ; attack speed, physical dmg, critical dmg!
If u are low on crit chance, insted of crit multiplier use any other sort of dmg boost;cold,lightning,fire...pref cold so you have good cc while whirling.
I like to use Faster Attacks, just to make escapes that little bit faster.

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