[INV] #1 Dagger HC Crafting Log

Mirror Thread
3% IPD off of perfect T2, 9% if it was T1. Total cost was 300ex to purchase the dagger, 20ET/EX (100EX equiv at 4EX per Eternal) and a Perfect Kaoms Heart (40-50EX) for the Divine Lotto (69 Divines to hit it). Total of ~450 Invasion Exalts.


Didn't Record the first 16 but they were all crappy ele rolls, +light/cold gems, +mana, and one decent 28% wep ele roll. Will update from now on. Goal is T1 Spell Dmg or Hybrid Phys.
twitch.tv/havoc616 to see the magic live.

ET/EX 17

ET/EX 18

ET/EX 19

ET/EX 20

After 3 divines.


Twitch.tv/Havoc616 --- Youtube.com/Havoc616
HvR 100 #1 SC/World - HvA 100 #2 Nemesis/#3 HC - HvTradeAfterMap 100 #1 Bloodlines
#1 Atziri & Uber Atziri Kill Invasion - #1 Bloodlines Uber Kill
Fix Level 100 Ladder Bug (November 2013)
Last edited by Havoc6#1629 on Jul 6, 2014, 2:23:33 PM
So sick man!

Are you going for Glyphic or Emperor?
whoismiked wrote:
So sick man!

Are you going for Glyphic or Emperor?

Wanted to hit Glyphic First but just hit T2 hybrid phys, so going for the 99.9% roll (only -6 dps from t1 roll) and will eventually go for Glyphic a long time from now
Twitch.tv/Havoc616 --- Youtube.com/Havoc616
HvR 100 #1 SC/World - HvA 100 #2 Nemesis/#3 HC - HvTradeAfterMap 100 #1 Bloodlines
#1 Atziri & Uber Atziri Kill Invasion - #1 Bloodlines Uber Kill
Fix Level 100 Ladder Bug (November 2013)

WTB Brimstone Scalpel
Please update your c/o and let me know if anyone outbids me, thanks.

IGN: Sin
Last edited by Make_A_Witch_Foundation#5843 on Jun 5, 2014, 2:35:14 AM
Well done, Havoc. Personally, of your accomplishments in PoE, I am most impressed that you reached level 100 before the massive change that ended up making sustaining maps much easier.
The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300.
Last edited by Daresso#3599 on Jun 5, 2014, 3:33:07 AM
hmmmm not called kraken /thread.

That being said, grats man. This is one totally sick dagger!!!!
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
Congrats. You're actually quite lucky to finish only with ~450!
Old HC Mirror Thread: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/516260
Hi, I'm noob to crafting, how do you get from ET/EX 19: 156% IPD to ET/EX 20: 226% IPD, is that from Exalt/Divine/Item Level?

How do you increase the IPD of a weapon?
sick dagger.

you are one nasty PoE player. Gz

Sorbetero wrote:
Hi, I'm noob to crafting, how do you get from ET/EX 19: 156% IPD to ET/EX 20: 226% IPD, is that from Exalt/Divine/Item Level?

How do you increase the IPD of a weapon?

%local physical dmg (169% max) + hybrid %Local Physical Damage/Local Accuracy Rating (max %80/135). So max ipd can be 249 with these 2 affixes
items shop: 364086
ign: [ICU]missuse
if you like to HLD, add me
inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something.

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