1000 Chaos SPAM - Invasion League - 10PM Tonight (May 28, 2014)

This isn't for profit, but more for fun, and to also show how hard it is to roll a great rare item in PoE (Odds are I won't get anything amazing).

This is basically the same as finding 1000 rare Jewelled Foils that are ilvl 77 and then Id'ing them.

Less than an hour from the time on this post.

Multi-Demi Winner
Very Good Kisser
Alt-Art Alpha’s Howl Winner
Former Dominus Multiboxer
Last edited by Manocean#0852 on May 28, 2014, 9:13:27 PM
good luck friend please make sure you sacrifice some items to the great lord Kuduku
How about you just give me the 1000 chaos and i tell you how bad crafting is.
360 phys

rest of keepers

Highlight of full 1h 15m of chaos spam


Multi-Demi Winner
Very Good Kisser
Alt-Art Alpha’s Howl Winner
Former Dominus Multiboxer
Last edited by Manocean#0852 on May 29, 2014, 3:15:20 AM
I'll buy the pain saw if you get RRG sockets.
OlaSarcasm wrote:
I'll buy the pain saw if you get RRG sockets.

He just did it on stream :D
it was a joke, I saw that he didn't get the colors. He didn't get it. I'm used to that.
What do you want for grim song?
free mano!
"Come along fool, a direct hit to the senses will leave you disconnected."

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