Raise Zombie/Skeleton question

Hi everyone, I just started playing PoE about 5 days ago. I didn't even know this game existed until my friends told me open beta is out, those dawgs.....

Anyways lets move to my question below.

I have been looking around to try and find what stats zombies/Skeltons have. Like how much damage do they do, do they have any base Armour or evasion?.

I'm a level 50 witch that has all the passives for summoning and I'm looking at going into auras to support my army.

Knowing what stats the Zombies and Skeletons have will help me decide in what auras to run.

At the moment I'm looking at running Purity, Discipline, Grace and Vitality.

Current build:
Bump, I'm curious as to what the base skeleton/zombie stats are too
IGN MagicMule

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