[1.1.x] Terra's Wingman - A Dual Strike Duelist/Marauder/Scion Build
I do not update this build on this Marauder thread. Only on the Duelist thread, as that's where the build originated from. For any and all post updates, check here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/828347
Hello everybody. Today I will be showing you my Dual Strike Wings of Entropy build. This can be done on either Duelist, Marauder, or Scion. I hope you all enjoy, and leave a reply to this post or message me in game with any questions you may have! You might be asking yourself: "This build looks good! But what's so special about it?" Well, my friend, this build is incredibly flexible. It can be done without Wings of Entropy (plez don't do dat to meh), it can be done with or without max block, it can be done with bringer of rain or heavy on Ar/Life with a chest piece/helm, and there are so many other possibilities for this build. So, that's what's special about it. "What's left standing after the flames of war die down? You are." - Me Duelist Skill Tree:
![]() Why Duelist? Duelist has very strong early game, and can keep his mana up with early access to "Mana Flows". He will have loads more damage than Marauder up until maps, and will be faster for leveling. 20 Points: 40 Points: 60 Points: 80 Points:
We go back over to the duelist tree for this, so pay close attention to little nodes I grab.
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQBAecFLRQgGE0YkRv6HcokmyXfJy8o2ymlNJM26ECgQXRHfkp9TipQR1cNW69fP2BLYSFjcGVNZ4BnoGoebmlyqXK7dO12K3bneEl673zZgIqDfITZhO-Haod2kGyRzpkrnrmhbaQZpKynMKgHqBiplKvFtkG5zbvtvJ-9gb6nwA_BBMS40iHSTdX43Q3f7-Of7w7vTu_j8i_3MvdN9778xQ== 100 Points:
The nodes I grab here are all over the place, so once again, pay close attention.
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQBAecFLRQgFSAYTRiRG_odyiP2JJsl3ycvKNsppSpNLOk0kzboOQ4_J0CgQXRHfkp9SshOKlBHVvpXDVpIW69fP2BLYSFjcGVNZ4BnoGoebBZuaXKpcrt07XYrdud4SXrvfNl89YCKg3yD24TZhO-Haod2iiKQbJHOmSueuaFtpBmkrKcwqAeoGKlzqZSrxbZBuc277byfvYG-p8APwKbA88EExLjOcdIh0k3V-Nlh3Q3f7-Of7g7vDu9O7-Pv8PIv9zL3Tfe-_Ev8xQ== Full Tree: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marauder Skill Tree:
![]() Why Marauder? Marauder has access to tons of life and armor early game, and will be incredibly tanky. He will have mana issues, which is why we need to rush to "Mana Flows" but as long as you can endure the mana cost, you're good to go. Marauder is better than Duelist and Scion for this build in my honest opinion, because of his all-around perfection. And he's sexy, too. 20 Points: 40 Points: 60 Points: 80 Points:
Back to the Marauder Tree here
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEBAecFLRQgGE0YkR3KJJsl3ycvKNsppTSTNug9_ECgQXRHfkp9TipQR1cNWGNbr18_YEthIWNwZU1ngGegah5uaXKpcrt07XYrdud4SXrvfNmAioN8hNmE74dqh3aMz5Bskc6euaFtpKynMKgHqBiplKvFtkG5zbvtvJ--p8APwQTEuMbY0iHSTdX43Q3f7-Of7w7vTu_j8i_2SPcy9033vvzF 100 Points:
I grab nodes all over the place here, so pay close attention.
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEBAecFLRQgFSAYTRiRHcokmyXfJy8o2ymlKk0s6TSTNug5Dj38PydAoEF0R35KfUrITipQR1b6Vw1YY1uvXz9gS2EhY3BlTWeAZ6BqHmwWbmlyqXK7dO12K3bneEl673zZfPWAioLkg3yD24TZhO-Haod2iiKKr4zPkBGQbJHOnrmhbaSspzCoB6gYqXOplKvFtkG5zbvtvJ--p8APwKbA88EExLjG2M5x0iHSTdX42WHdDd_v45_vDu9O7-PyL_ZI9zL3Tfe-_Ev8xQ== Full Tree: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scion Skill Tree:
![]() THIS VARIANT OF THE BUILD IS NOT RECOMMENDED. IT IS WEAKER THAN DUELIST OR MARAUDER, AND IS BARELY VIABLE. IT HAS ALSO NOT BEEN TESTED, AS THE OTHERS HAVE. Why Scion? I don't know why. I have no idea why you would do this as a Scion. Her lack of access to strong nodes early game makes her shit at leveling, and late game she has trouble getting around the tree. The only reason you would do this build as Scion is because you're obsessed with Scion like me. That's all. The only reason. Good luck. 20 Points: 40 Points: 60 Points: 80 Points:
Go back to Duelist tree to grab armor nodes after Resolute Technique
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgABAecFLRUgGE0b-h3KJJsl3ycvKNsppSpNLOk0kzboPydAoEF0R35KfUrITipXDVuvXz9gS2EhY3BlTWeAZ6BqHm5pcql07XYrdud4SXrvfNmAioLkg3yE2YTvh2qHdoqvkBGQbJHOnrmkGaSsqAeoGKmUq8W2QbvtvJ--p768wA_BBMS40iHSTdX43Q3f7-Of7w7vTu_j8i_3MvdN9778xQ== 100 Points: Full Tree: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gear: The gear does not change depending on your class. Go crazy :) My Gear As of Level 68 (April 2nd, 2014): HIGHLY RECOMMENDED GEAR:
Very, very highly recommended, but not entirely necessary. Up to you. This will give you crazy damage and survivability. If you'd rather do a high armor/life chest piece and helmet build, that's fine! This little cock-sucker here costs only 1 chaos and gives you insane spell block. If you can keep your resistances at max while still using this, I would definitely use it. Rainbowstride boots give great spell block and movement speed, plus 20% to all resistances. I highly recommend these, as the block is awesome and the resistances help out a lot if you're using Bringer of Rain. GOOD LEVELING UNIQUES:
All should be pretty self-explanatory uniques, except one thing I do want to mention is that SLITHERPINCHES ARE THE SHIT! They are amazing! You can use them up to maps and they will still be incredibly strong. They will keep your mana full constantly because of the leech, and they even give 3% life leech too! I love them, and use them on every Dual Strike build up until Merciless and sometimes up until level 75 or so. NECESSARY GEAR FOR THIS BUILD:
Obviously, Wings of Entropy are required. That's the whole point of this build. 2% Mana Leech and 2% Life Leech AT LEAST! You can get this on your gloves or jewelry. It doesn't matter how you get it, it matters that you have it. It is necessary for this build to work. Or to stay alive, at least. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKILL/SUPPORT GEMS: I've listed everything below by order of importance. Cast When Damage Taken (Level 4) > Enduring Cry (Level 7) > Enfeeble (Level 7) > Cast When Stunned (Any Level) Keep in mind, your Enfeeble gem doesn't have to be level 7. If you don't have enough intelligence to get it to level 7, you can leave it as-is. Anything Level 7 or BELOW is fine. Dual Strike > Melee Splash > Multistrike > Melee Physical Damage > Added Fire Damage > Faster Attacks IF YOU HAVE BRINGER OF RAIN: Dual Strike > Melee Splash > Multistrike > Added Fire Damage OR Blood Magic (up to you. Blood Magic might be easier if you're running 2 auras) Leap Slam > Blood Magic > Faster Attacks Hatred > Reduced Mana > Grace (You should be able to run 2 auras at once with a level 16 or higher Reduced Mana gem, as long as you have at least 2% mana leech) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandits: Normal: Help Oak for Life Cruel: Help Oak for Physical Damage Merciless: Kill All for Passive Skill Point OR Help Oak for Endurance Charge (100% your decision. Both are good.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-Game Stats: Offensive Tab:
![]() Defensive Tab:
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You shouldn't post 120 points builds when you plan to help 2 bandits. Then you only have 118.
Instead of "30% chance to avoid stuns" for 2 points, why not "cannot be stunned" for 3 points? I don't like the pathing of the tree too much (I would skip the whole Scion area and reroute a couple of small nodes to save points, then grab the whole templar zone and a couple more big damage nodes, somthing like this), but if it works for you, then why not? 3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519 Last edited by Peterlerock#5171 on Apr 3, 2014, 3:18:40 AM
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" I actually really like your idea. The reason I went to the Scion tree is for that armor/resist node, Sentinel. It is absolutely amazing. However, going entirely off your tree for that is not a great idea. Thanks for the reply, I'll take this into consideration! |
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"Sentinel" is a great node, yes.
But is it worth it to go there? That's a ton of points to spend and many times it is better to skip nodes, because the secondary cost (the pathing) is too high. You can put both builds into poebuilder.com and see which one gains more in terms of life, armor, damage, resists... 3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519 Last edited by Peterlerock#5171 on Apr 3, 2014, 10:02:40 AM
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Hi, Im trying your marauder spec!
How do you manage the mana problems? im level 35 now and having big time mana problems :S |
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Skill into Blood Magic or use a bloodmagic gem until you can afford the mana with mana leech only (for which you need serious DpS to work).
3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519
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When i look at your items i can only see 2% mana leech. Is that enough for you?
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I am rolling this build like right and I am relatively low level, It all seems nice so far. Damage seems good but what I am missing in the guide would be some videos of some maps showcasing just how the end game of the build can pan out.
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" Because blind wouldn't work in that case? Last edited by Vasya2423#4879 on Apr 21, 2014, 6:12:25 AM
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Last edited by Entropic_Fire#0222 on May 20, 2016, 11:10:22 AM
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