Bugged Crypt Level 2 (can't get to geofri)

I'm in a crypt level 2 right now and I can see where he is on the minimap, but there's no way to get to him. Am I missing something or is it bugged?

Bug reference number 4191216681


Edit: Oops, found other report of the same issue. Sounds like there's a fix that will hopefully be released soon.
Last edited by PureTrancendence#5893 on Mar 6, 2014, 4:07:24 AM
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I have the same problem! I can't even see where he is..
same here, resetted twice and there is no way to geofri.
Same problem here.
same here, bug report number 2811956836
Yep I have the exact same bug
bug report 1926366152

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