Dead on the ladder list, but I'm not REALLY dead (nemesis)

So I have had couple kicked to login screen- errors so I guess something bugged kinda badly. Ladder list says I'm dead, but ingame I'm not dead and dead counter says 0!



But check these out, I just took the pictures:

Picture ingame:


I'm not DEAAAD!
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Here are more details and how I think it all went:

1. Full party fighting with merciless Brutus
2. Game starts lagging
3. Everything freezes on my screen(nobody does nothing), but I can move
4. This freeze lasts like 20secs

5. Suddenly in a blink of second I see myself die and get kicked in the login screen. All this happens in like 0.05s. Everone in my party gets kicked out, insta crashed.

Now the intresting part what I think happened:

6. My char dies on server. Message has been sent to ladder list that my char is dead.
7. Because insta crashed, server rollbacks the game a little, but the dead message has been already sent.

This looks right?

My question to GGG:

Can I resume playing my char without fearing that you reset her to standard?

Well, I'll just keep going lol.
Looks like this problem solved itself:

Aww damn, I really wanted to see the outcome of that interesting little issue lol. Could rise to the top of nemesis dead! Haha.
Same here, dead on ladder but not in game.
Never had any weird crash or even a near death experience.

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