Picked your Skin yet? :)

IDK about you guys but I'm loving this new reskinning ability. Finally your char doesn't have to look like turd :D

There are many good looking items in this game and we were forced to use totally random things on each slot, not to mention great looking uniques that nobody used because of crappy stats.

And it's not expensive, ofc there will be maniacs that will reskin each slot on every char but you could pass for 2-3 reskinns per your 2 of most played chars, like me, for peanuts really.

So for you all of you that have not picked your skins yet and you do testing and collecting of interesting skins, here is my char or two, acting as a model and wearing several different combinations and outfits I've found, maybe it'll help you find skin you like too;

My typical armored marauder, default look

Full wyrmscale(except boots), axe and tricorn make him scary pirate executioner :)

Same outfit on my duelist, wyrmscale is really quite nice on some themes:

Common jacket on my duelist, forgot name, Ev+ES:

Lether thief assassin outfit, very nice also one of my favs:

This is medium armor chain theme, again very nice:

Heavy full plate archer. Looks good actually but I picture archers with more mobility:

And this is how I normally look (little bit of brag is always welcome :)

So if you've found some interesting and good loking piece or combination, feel free to post here.

If you just want to brag how good you look, you can do it here but we already have other post for that, just for you to know;


It will probably be on first page for long time :)

GL and happy hunting

IGN STD Ajax_Deadeye| Nathaniel_Corwin| Itane_Shira| Tetra_Mayani| Arkanis_Gath
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Last edited by Thorien_Kell#5909 on Sep 10, 2013, 6:04:04 AM
Here is mine :) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/518695

Not bad. I prefer arena plate to full chain /on marauder/ it just looks more savage and powerful, full chain is for any other warrior except marauder, like duelist or templar - but definitely something in full steel armor, yep.

IGN STD Ajax_Deadeye| Nathaniel_Corwin| Itane_Shira| Tetra_Mayani| Arkanis_Gath
[Build] TK's CoC Crit Shadow aka THE WELDER /view-thread/787487
[Shop] TK's Adventurers Pawnshop /view-thread/570071
Last edited by Thorien_Kell#5909 on Sep 9, 2013, 4:51:58 PM
I really like the Carnal Armour in combination with a Chiming Spirit Shield, Imbued Wand and Demon King Horns.


apparently my bow at this angle looks like a giant glowing dildo.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
I'm a newbie, so bear with me.

I liked the reskining mechanic, I'm yet to tinker with it. Just thought on giving my opinion; every one of the choices here do look really good.

Right now all I wanted was to put some damned PANTS on my templar. :(
Morwys wrote:
Right now all I wanted was to put some damned PANTS on my templar. :(

The full chainmail skins, my friend :)
If I ever give GGG more money, I'mma make my BoR into a scare mask. Boo!
OK several heavy helmets today:

1st one ezomyte burgonet


2nd, royal burgonet, quite nice


3rd, good known fencer helm


and last but not least, Pig Faced Bascinet :D


to me all new designs, usually unavailable to buy (except fencers) and all in department of heavy looking steel helmets. Meaning this game has lot more less known designs to explore ^^

IGN STD Ajax_Deadeye| Nathaniel_Corwin| Itane_Shira| Tetra_Mayani| Arkanis_Gath
[Build] TK's CoC Crit Shadow aka THE WELDER /view-thread/787487
[Shop] TK's Adventurers Pawnshop /view-thread/570071
Thorien_Kell wrote:

And this is how I normally look (little bit of brag is always welcome :)

What helm are you using in this picture? might have to use that myself, is it silken hood?

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