Low to Mid Level Items (Selffound Lvl40-80), Gems, most with b/o
Offering stuff that just needs space in my stash and isn't very useful to me.
Make me an (counter-)offer if you are interested in something. I'm trying to add prices bit by bit, but I still lack experience in what these items might be worth. ~gb/o 1337 chaos (for poexplorer and the like) If you make me an offer, be fair ;) Note that I am quick on updating sold items in this post. So not verified stuff doesn't always mean sold, it might just be moved/levelled. Ask me if you want something that doesn't show up as verified. New and unsorted, price TBD:
Taking offers for these potential expensive babies: (6% life leech, 168 pure phys DPS) Uniques:
~b/o 2 alch
~b/o 2 chaos
(perfect roll!)
~b/o 10 chaos
~b/o 1 alch
~b/o 2 alch
~b/o 1 chaos Armour
~b/o 1 chaos Weapons
~b/o 1 chaos Jewellery
~b/o 2 chaos
~b/o 3 chaos
~b/o 4 chaos
~b/o 5 chaos
~b/o 6 chaos
~b/o 10 chaos
~b/o 3 chaos
(ilvl 69) Gems: Note that the prices in here are for the 0% quality gem. If you see quality gems listed, that means you can also buy it in that flavour, for a little premium ;)
[x] Added Chaos Damage ~b/o 1 chaos [x] Added Cold Damage ~b/o 1 alch [x] Added Fire Damage ~b/o 1 alch Added Lightning Damage ~b/o 1 alch Additional Accuracy ~b/o 1 alch [x] Anger ~b/o 2 alch Arc ~b/o 1 alch Arctic Armour ~b/o 1 alch Arctic Breath ~b/o 1 alch Bear Trap ~b/o 2 alch Blind ~b/o 1 alch [x] Blood Magic ~b/o 1 chaos Blood Rage ~b/o 1 alch Burning Arrow ~b/o 1 alch Chain ~b/o 2 chaos Chance to Flee ~b/o 1 alch Chance to Ignite ~b/o 2 alch [x] Clarity ~b/o 1 alch Cleave ~b/o 1 alch Cold Penetration ~b/o 1 alch [x] Cold Snap ~b/o 1 alch [x] Cold to Fire ~b/o 1 alch [x] Concentrated Effect ~b/o 1 chaos Conductivity ~b/o 1 alch Conversion Trap ~b/o 1 alch Critical Weakness ~b/o 1 alch [x] Culling Strike ~b/o 1 chaos Cyclone ~b/o 1 alch Decoy Totem ~b/o 1 alch [x] Determination ~b/o 2 alch [x] Detonate Dead ~b/o 1 alch [x] Devouring Totem ~b/o 2 alch Discharge ~b/o 1 alch Discipline ~b/o 1 alch Dominating Blow ~b/o 1 alch Double Strike ~b/o 1 alch Dual Strike ~b/o 1 alch [x] Elemental Hit ~b/o 1 chaos [x] Elemental Proliferation ~b/o 1 chaos Elemental Weakness ~b/o 1 chaos [x] Enduring Cry ~b/o 1 alch [x] Enfeeble ~b/o 2 alch Ethereal Knives ~b/o 1 alch Explosive Arrow ~b/o 1 alch
Faster Attacks ~b/o 2 alch Faster Casting ~b/o 2 alch Faster Projectiles ~b/o 2 alch [x] Fire Penetration ~b/o 1 alch Fire Trap ~b/o 1 alch Fireball ~b/o 1 alch Firestorm ~b/o 1 alch Flame Totem ~b/o 1 alch Flammability ~b/o 1 alch [x] Flicker Strike ~b/o 1 alch [x] Fork ~b/o 2 alch Freeze Mine ~b/o 1 alch Freezing Pulse ~b/o 1 alch Frenzy ~b/o 1 alch Frost Wall ~b/o 1 alch Frostbite ~b/o 1 alch [x] Glacial Hammer ~b/o 1 alch [x] Grace ~b/o 1 alch [x] Greater Multiple Projectiles ~b/o 2 chaos Ground Slam ~b/o 1 alch [x] Haste ~b/o 2 alch Hatred ~b/o 1 alch Heavy Strike ~b/o 1 alch
Ice Nova ~b/o 1 alch Ice Shot ~b/o 1 alch Ice Spear ~b/o 1 alch Immortal Call ~b/o 1 alch Incinerate ~b/o 1 alch [x] Increased Area of Effect ~b/o 2 alch [x] Increased Burning Damage ~b/o 2 alch Increased Critical Damage ~b/o 1 alch [x] Increased Critical Strikes ~b/o 1 alch [x] Increased Duration ~b/o 2 alch [x] Infernal Blow ~b/o 1 alch Iron Grip ~b/o 1 alch Iron Will ~b/o 1 alch Item Quantity ~b/o 1 chaos Item Rarity ~b/o 1 alch [x] Knockback ~b/o 1 alch Leap Slam ~b/o 1 alch Lesser Multiple Projectiles ~b/o 1 chaos Life Gain on Hit ~b/o 2 alch [x] Life Leech ~b/o 2 alch Lightning Arrow ~b/o 1 alch Lightning Penetration ~b/o 1 alch Lightning Strike ~b/o 1 alch Lightning Warp ~b/o 1 alch Mana Leech ~b/o 2 alch Melee Damage on Full Life ~b/o 1 alch Melee Physical Damage ~b/o 1 chaos Melee Splash ~b/o 2 alch Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance ~b/o 2 alch Minion Damage ~b/o 1 alch [x] Minion Life ~b/o 1 alch Minion Speed ~b/o 2 alch Molten Shell ~b/o 1 alch [x] Multistrike ~b/o 12 chaos
Pierce ~b/o 1 alch Point Blank ~b/o 1 alch Poison Arrow ~b/o 2 alch [x] Portal ~b/o 8 chaos [x] Power Charge On Critical ~b/o 2 alch Power Siphon ~b/o 1 alch Projectile Weakness ~b/o 2 alch Puncture ~b/o 1 alch Punishment ~b/o 1 alch [x] Purity ~b/o 1 alch Rain of Arrows ~b/o 1 alch Raise Spectre ~b/o 1 alch Raise Zombie ~b/o 1 alch Ranged Attack Totem ~b/o 2 alch Reduced Mana ~b/o 2 chaos Reave ~b/o 1 alch Rejuvenation Totem ~b/o 1 alch Remote Mine ~b/o 1 alch [x] Righteous Fire ~b/o 1 alch Searing Bond ~b/o 1 alch Shield Charge ~b/o 1 alch Shock Nova ~b/o 1 alch Shockwave Totem ~b/o 1 alch Spark ~b/o 1 alch Spell Totem ~b/o 1 chaos Split Arrow ~b/o 1 alch [x] Stun ~b/o 1 alch Summon Skeletons ~b/o 1 alch Sweep ~b/o 1 alch [x] Tempest Shield ~b/o 1 alch Temporal Chains ~b/o 2 alch Trap ~b/o 1 alch Viper Strike ~b/o 1 alch [x] Vitality ~b/o 1 alch Vulnerability ~b/o 1 alch Warlord's Mark ~b/o 1 alch Weapon Elemental Damage ~b/o 1 alch [x] Whirling Blades ~b/o 1 alch Wrath ~b/o 2 alch Currency
Last edited by Bzzz#3776 on Oct 5, 2013, 12:55:32 PM
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updated with new uniques and currency
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Want to buy lots of scrolls of wisdom, contact me ingame IGN DesyncTillIDie
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Small bump.
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Re-Indexed because of move to a few more stash tabs ;)
Also experimenting with b/o tags. | |
hey come game pls
@HATE_ME_BABY Last edited by Relvat#1013 on Jul 7, 2013, 7:14:29 AM
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Gloves sold. Some other stuff added.
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Dominating blow and 100 scrolls of wisdom sold.
(for those of you that look for rates: current trade was chaos:wisdom 1:100...) | |
220 wisdoms sold, added some armor and other stuff
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Retracted, sorry.
Last edited by Thunderschunked#3077 on Jul 20, 2013, 11:02:42 AM
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