Literally unplayable with that lag on ps5 client

Admit it, there was something pushed on 8th that made the game horrible on ps5 client. I've cleared the cache 4 times for 2 hours session and got this in the end - . Mobs spawning but the HP of the boss just didnt go down. Logged out, cleared the cache, reinstalled the game, nothing helped.
Last edited by TheDeathDeal_777#9382 on Mar 9, 2025, 9:01:06 PM
Last bumped on Mar 11, 2025, 9:08:43 AM
Have you tried to restore database? For me it helps for a while.
Clear cache, and right after that restore database.
Also a have a ps4 client installed, idk mb it matters for some reason.
Last edited by Gala_Za_23#9977 on Mar 10, 2025, 2:11:03 PM
Have you tried to restore database? For me it helps for a while.
Clear cache, and right after that restore database.
Also a have a ps4 client installed, idk mb it matters for some reason.

Yeah, the ps4 clietn doesnt have so much lag issues, it has others. The cache helps until the next start of the game.
Based on that video, it looks like you encountered the Maven bug with the Bramble Valley boss. The vines that it creates don't despawn and leave an impassible barrier. Sometimes if it spawns directly in the center, it bugs out Maven entirely where she can't be damaged. It's an annoying bug that's been in for months with multiple threads but no acknowledgement. I probably brick 1 out of 5 runs this way.

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