Mark on Hit + Totems Not Working

Running Ele Hit of Spectrum (attack) on Ballista Totem, along with Snipers Mark + Mark On Hit support.

Have more than enough mana to cast the Mark (tested against act bosses and ported to town to ensure full mana) however Totem hits are not triggering the Mark on hit.

In reading the wiki, "Totems use all of the player’s stats that affect their skills, including damage, area of effect, speed, on-hit effects, and modifiers that apply or modify debuffs. While totems are not 'you', many stats worded as 'you' or 'your' still apply to the skill used by a totem."
Last bumped on Mar 9, 2025, 9:44:12 PM
While totems are not 'you', many stats worded as 'you' or 'your' still apply to the skill used by a totem."

The wiki seems to be misleading here. Totems are not 'you', and "when you hit" is not an offensive on-hit effect. (Ignore the name "mark on hit")

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