PS5 Item filters

My filters stopped working, tried a few things, one of them was to unfollow then find an updated one. Can't find any list of the sony filters anywhere, when usually I just go to the ladder and use the drop down menu to find them.
The only way I found so far is seeking through other players item filters and hope someone has what I want.

p.s: if anyone has the sony neversink item filters, please comment so I can follow them through your profile.
Last bumped on Mar 10, 2025, 4:41:38 PM
Today my filters from filter blade also stopped working properly. Styles of decorations don't load in right way. Some colors and and fonts look correct, but some aren't.
Default filters and followed default filter working right.

This is ridiculous. Tried to launch ps4 client and there were alright. All filters work correct. And after that I launched ps5 client. Filters fixed there too.
I don't know how it works, but it shouldn't work this way.
Last edited by Gala_Za_23#9977 on Mar 10, 2025, 12:59:15 PM
Filters that should work but don't can be caused by the local storage bug.

It can be temporarily fixed by using this method:

1) Fully close Path of Exile.

2) Launch a different game, at least as far as the main menu

3) Fully close that game

4) Relaunch Path of Exile

Note that the "different game" in step 2 may take a few tries to find one that works. I use an old PS4 release of a PS2 Star Ocean game. Diablo 4 is known not work.

This fix also fixes the map fog bug.

Unfortunately this is temporary. You can just do it again when it recurs, but it's a never-ending loop, about once every 8-12 hours of gameplay for me.

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