Warlord and Out of the Gate achievement almost impossible on steam

Dear GGG, please do something with Warlord achievement.It cant be done in actual league, but in standart league theres too less people, much less who trade theese maps and be online. When i asked somebody, all play on actual league and noone reacting for standart league. As second thing, achievement being in this state will be like bitcoin - it cant be done when old map count will drop near to zero on poe trade. Please add theese warlords to some actual league mechanics or some event, so all can do this achievement.

Also there is a problem with Out of the Gate achievement. As i read, last race event was in 2023, so now its impossible to achieve this.

Thanks for attention @GGG
Last edited by xxxShadowSidexxx#7248 on Mar 7, 2025, 7:20:56 PM
Last bumped on Mar 8, 2025, 5:38:44 AM
Warlord achievement might take a while as the maps required rotate in and out of use, but it can be done.

As for race events, there have been a few recent events that did count towards the Out of the Gate (sorry, can't remember which one but it was not too long ago).
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
Please add theese warlords to some actual league mechanics or some event, so all can do this achievement.

Are there any warband leaders not available from the associated Delve nodes?
As far as I know all warband leaders are available in all leagues from delve nodes (Mutewind/Redblade/Brinerot/Renegade Base) and the unique strongboxes (Mutewind/Redblade/Brinerot/Renegade Cache).

As for the Out of the Gate achievement, I think most of the recent events counted as a race for the achievement, so if you haven't you could try to make a char in Legacy of Phrecia and check if it pops at level 8.
kisatan#6674 wrote:
As far as I know all warband leaders are available in all leagues from delve nodes (Mutewind/Redblade/Brinerot/Renegade Base) and the unique strongboxes (Mutewind/Redblade/Brinerot/Renegade Cache).

As for the Out of the Gate achievement, I think most of the recent events counted as a race for the achievement, so if you haven't you could try to make a char in Legacy of Phrecia and check if it pops at level 8.

i didnt tried necro settlers, but pherecia didnt count, even at lvl 10
kisatan#6674 wrote:
As far as I know all warband leaders are available in all leagues from delve nodes (Mutewind/Redblade/Brinerot/Renegade Base) and the unique strongboxes (Mutewind/Redblade/Brinerot/Renegade Cache).

As for the Out of the Gate achievement, I think most of the recent events counted as a race for the achievement, so if you haven't you could try to make a char in Legacy of Phrecia and check if it pops at level 8.

i didnt tried necro settlers, but pherecia didnt count, even at lvl 10

pity, but it was worth a try. I'm quite sure stuff like endless delve and that weird event with the randomized skill tree a while back worked.
So my suggestion is whenever they announce one of those short term events at the end of a league try if it works.

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