The Architect of Chaos 1 second Dissolution timer is bugged with the Dissolution of the Flesh jewel.

I am playing an Architect of Chaos with the Dissolution ascendancy node, and I just equipped a Dissolution of the Flesh jewel for the %more life.

I was under the impression that the 1 second timer of the ascendancy would take priority, but this is apparently not the case. Is this intended? I have been playing with that ascendancy node since level ~30 so I instantly noticed that the delay was now much longer, that it was now using the timer of the jewel.

And after testing it a while against a skeleton shrine, I think it might even ADD the timers together to create a 3 second delay. (Unless that comes from some weird server-tick related factors.)

Here's a video that a friend and I managed to record over Discord:

It showcases the 3 cases:
- Ascendancy only
- Jewel only
- Both
Last bumped on Mar 10, 2025, 12:08:10 PM
Dang, I've been wondering if this would work. I did check out some ninja builds and several people didn't allocate that node & instead just allocated small nodes, and I was wondering if this was why. It's too bad, as it's really the primary reason to play this class with any dissolution build & losing that huge chunk of life is rough.
I just asceneded fot the fourth time and noticed this as well. Thanks for making a post here!

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