No new instances of frostbolt while under focus effect

when using kitava's thirst helmet on ice nova of frostbolt heirophant; if I use focus or lavianga's spirit mana flask, instead of firing new frostbolts, the character will ONLY target already made frost bolts to cast ice nova from. No new frostbolts will be created until either of the effects have worn off.

This results in my character casting ice nova on frost bolts which are off screen and for the next four seconds leaves my character basically silenced against enemies in front of him.

At first I thought I was just having bad luck, but after doing it 15 times while in maps I have gotten the same result 13 times.

I can imagigine Lavianga's flask not casting new frostbolts because the system reads me as having no mana while my mana recharges due to some coding overlap due to skills costing no mana during effect, as the system may percieve my mana staus as empty instead of the costs being negated.

But I have no idea why the same thing happens when i use focus, as I usualy will activate it when at full or near to full mana since it is a skill best utilized at the start of a boss fight.

For those who do not know,

Lavianga's spirit mana flask grants 100% increased mana regen and during that mana regen effect, skills cost no mana.

And the particular focus skill i have been using is the " chance to deal double damage while focused" although the same thing happened when I was using the " increased cast speed while focused" skill as well.

I'm pretty sure it is a problem with the "Mana status" in the coding during the effects, since right after the effect time period elapses My characcter willl begin to fire frost bolts as it does normaly.

Ty for any help with this bug.
Last bumped on Mar 4, 2025, 5:08:36 PM
I can imagigine Lavianga's flask not casting new frostbolts because the system reads me as having no mana while my mana recharges due to some coding overlap due to skills costing no mana during effect, as the system may percieve my mana staus as empty instead of the costs being negated.

This is a misunderstanding on your part.
Lavianga's Spirit makes your skills cost no Mana. Kitava's Thirst triggers spells when you spend at least 100 mana. 0 is not at least 100.

As for the issue with Focus, that does sound like a bug.
As long as you're still spending Mana for the skill (not Life or ES), and you're spending at least 100 per cast, it should be able to trigger Kitava's Thirst.

There is a veiled modifier that gives "Non-aura skills cost no Life or Mana while Focused", but that is a legacy mod--no longer available. I could see there being an error where it doesn't properly check whether that effect is active when Kitava's Thirst is determining how much mana you spent.

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