Cannot enter maps - an unexpected disconnection occured

Almost every map i get this error. Finished the campaign and cant do any endgame.

Is there any fix yet?
Last bumped on Mar 9, 2025, 11:25:22 PM
This was happening to me last night, but without the error message.

From the Atlas of the Worlds map room, my husband can load a map and we can both run the map no problem.

However, if I load a map we have a problem. The portals appear around the map device. Then whoever clicks a portal gets kicked to the login screen.

Some things to note:
- We are in the same guild where we are both the same rank.
- We are in a party.
- The behavior is the same whether I invite him to the party or he invites me to the party.
- If I log out and log in on my own, never join a party, and then load a map, I can run the map on my own.

our guild hideout in my 2 person guild with my SO is also broken we can not open maps there anymore at all

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