More Set and different type of build

to the best developers . i think one of the best thing to add the game is set . like the character can switch for two type of passive tree and armor , like 2 weapon set . i think it can be soo good to change the build on the one character . weapon , passive skill tree , armor , atlas skill and skill gem . Love for all support <3
Last bumped on Mar 18, 2025, 4:03:48 PM
They have this in Diablo 3. Armoury function, Where you can swap to a different build for speed farming/ hard content. I think that's what you mean? It works pretty well for the most part.

I think in POE you largely would have a completely different character for this, though I see how it could be useful sometimes. Like you have a different setup for running different bosses, without having to swap things all the time and not worrying about the hassle of the optimization.

They sort of have this atlas tree, where you can set up the 3 different trees.

I could see on character maybe you have a build preset that does bossing, speed farming, handle chaos damage, delve etc. In generally, I don't think people are changing the build around that much in POE though. I think the want the tree kind of set for the most part per character, other than swapping a few nodes with cost from time to time.

Did they do something like this in POE2?

Last edited by Belegur85#5784 on Mar 18, 2025, 4:05:45 PM

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