Slam attack and other avoidable atks

Slam attack and other avoidable atks should not be a thing ,
It's not fun getting randomly one shoted by some slam attack
Slam attack should be blockble and should be avoided by Eva
All that Slam attack do is force people into building high Health (5k+) or high ES/mana .
It's is not Fun to die because of some slam or other avoidable hit its a poor experience.
Last bumped on Mar 2, 2025, 6:19:14 AM
I've gotten used now to dodge slams but I still get caught now and then.

My 3500 HP Warrior died yesterday from a single slam from a rare mob, with capped resistances.

Slams should hit hard but never one shot a character that has a decent HP pool and resits.

Imho most regular monsters should take 50% of your HP not more. They do far more than that they can take 75% of my 3.5K HP Warrior's health.

Perhaps remove critical hits from Slams, given those are not "precise" attacks to begin with,

In general also I think the damage from AOE slams should taper off as you get farther way from the center of the attack. many times I've dodged attacks and still got hit pretty hard even though visually I am way by the side.

Ome of the worst offenders imho is those zombies that drag a huge polearm. They are pretty dark and it can be easy to miss them in certain map environments. Sometimes you see one, dodge, only to be hit by another one that is hidden in all the visual clutter.

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