POE 2 - my first exile-like experience!

As of before december 6th i was almost a complete POE virgin, never being able to complete the act 1 in POE 1.

I jumped on the hype train for POE 2, and god was it good!
The main campaign were some of my best time in a game for atleast 10 years.

Let it be said, im not a gamer. I usually play a game 10-20 hours and get bored long before any end game contet, but path of exile 2 have some kind of magic, at least the campaign!

After leveling my first character to end game, a mighty warrior, i really struggled with my progression, it was slow and didnt feel right, atleast not after watching some streamers clearing maps by the minutes.

So i did what every ARPG player seems to do, i looked up a guide and rerolled an ice strike monk! zoomed through campaign and in the end game i was again!

i loved the boss fight in the campaign, with the dodging and learning moves, making sure my resistances were up for the fight! All this is atleast for me completely gone in the end game.

So a couple of points from a non ARPG gamer, who fell in love with your game, do with it what you will!

1. Every fight is like a 50/50 hit and run

Its kill or be killed. hit and run and run far, and stay back, because on death effects will also kill you. Not very enjoyable.

2. The only one portal.
So i went back to POE 1, and with my new found knowledge i got to end game! great, still clueless. But atleast, i had 6 portals. So it was kind of more layback even tho the stakes were clearly higher.
POE 2 really lacks in this regard. Becouse of the 50/50 fights, and only one portal, it makes me all stressed out so much i really cant enjoy it.
It makes me not want to do end game at all, so that if its still in the end product, this will probably be a deal breaker for me! And thats sad, becouse the rest of the campaign is magical!

3. Just gonna throw in a crazy idea that ive been thinking of while getting crushed in maps.
New game + would be awsome, with a campaign as strong as yours!
It can scale up like maps to Tier 15. it would be fantastic and bring a whole new dimention to your game! The lore already seems to have time travel mechanics.

Anyways, thanks for an amazing experience, looking forward to whats to come!
But for the love of Kitava, please give me some extra portals! And the druid...

Last bumped on Mar 1, 2025, 7:36:54 PM
Never thought of that idea before.

I feel exactly the same about everything you said and the entire concept of end game and leagues are a deal breaker for me.

I think the ng+ concept would actually make the game far more fun and repayable.

I almost feel catfishes as the campaign was best thing I have played in a long time but if i had know how the end game works i probably would have passed on the game to be honest.

And I really dont want to play new league as it takes so long to get currency which is basically non existent. I think new league will be a complete deal breaker as I'm not starting completely broke again with no way to even craft my own gear. Was over 350 hours before my first divine and almost 800 hours in and only got about 5. I finished campaign on my first ever run with 3 exalted orbs in the bank I think. Couldn't even do maps with that character lol.

Ng+ or new expansions would be a far better experience in my opinion. But if this is a non negotiable then I guess this game isn't for me.

Such a shame that the campaign is basically a mini game and not really the core game.

Edit: I haven't played in about 4 days now and just started monster hunter so im pretty sure I'm already gone for good unless they change the end game. Don't really care much anymore either way as I'm slowly forgetting about poe.
Last edited by outlander19900#0213 on Mar 1, 2025, 6:33:17 PM
Love that new game+ idea!

Make the entire campaign farmable, just like did with the last patches for Diablo II making areas of Act 1 into some of the highest level areas.

That said it would double up on the ATLAS, and require twice the effort finetuning all areas of the campaign so I don't think they would go for it.

It might not be farmable but more of a challenge to unlock some special reward though...

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