Warrior help for the Devs

I've seen a lot of threads on warrior issues and frustrations, ive seen players feeling desperate about the gameplay and feel of warrior. I love the idea of Game design and its a hobby of mine so i am willing to suggest some solutions.

Number one as a general design strategy it SEEMS to me that the general design Philosiphy is that each character wants to use at LEAST:
1 Curse
1 corpse effect
1 totem
1 Something to do with spirit
1 way to generate each charge type

I think this is the major issue with present warrior, classes that are prefered can IMMEDIATELY access minions, curses, etc. and passives that effect them very quickly, i feel like warrior has little or no access to early minion talents outside Totems. the witch curse talents are a pretty far run to get to on warrior, i think warrior should have easier access to enfeeble and vulnerability, i also think it makes more sense for invulnerability to either break a certain amount of armor, breaks armor over time, or lowers the monsters maximum armor making it easier and faster to break it.
I also think Blasphemy should be brought down to maybe 2nd tier and choose 1 penalty or the other .... either presence range, OR potency not both. ill explain why later but i essentially consider this another defensive layer warrior should have access to.

Additionally the warrior by design seems to be Naturally linked to the following gameplay strategies:

Armor break -> skills that payoff broken armor
Stun -> effects that interact with passives
using a shield to reposte and mitigate damage

General design problems i see that blanket all warrior gameplay:
Majority complaint is slow gameplay making it very risky and primary defense (armor) is not effective enough to mitigate this risk in most cases.
Limited viable offensive options / bad synergy

In general each of these needs to be able to handle the following situations:
1. Focusing a single dangerous target
(generally remains mobile / quick shield response)

2. Clearing or ccing groups
(need to be able to stun and capitalize on stun OR
break armor and capitalize on armor break)

3. Find a way to mitigate catastrophic damage with the following equipment setups:
1 hander and shield (giants blood 2 hander and shield)
2 hander
dual wield(giants blood dual wield)

4. Work arounds for problem monsters like evasive, haste or enhanced movement speed enemies that kite or escape.

i want to tackle each of these situations independently but theres a few sweeping changes i think you should make: all totems DO NOT REQUIRE any specific weapon, let all classes access all totems.i would let more crosstalk be available between staff attacks and mace skills group more of them into "slams" monk mobility slam could be good for warrior but it does drop ground effects behind you instead of around you.

Alright lets get to the first step focusing a single target and break down each equipment choice possibility and thier interactions:

1 hander and shield:
Replace Magma guard with "Perfect Guard" a metagem that circumvents attack speed / cast speed and allows you to INSTANTLY cast when a "Perfect block" is performed as well as negating the singular first "hit or projectile" to strike the perfect guard completely(though not additional effects such as surfaces, clouds, etc.) AOE can still trigger the reposte but does its damage as if the shield was raised, maybe performing an automatic Critical hit for the reposte, Magma guard should now be a shield skill that just causes reflecting fire damage on perfect guard and can be socketted into perfect guard. Resonating shield, Perfect strike, molten blast, earthshatter, Sunder, Fissure, Seismic cry, Supercharged Slam, should all be a socketable here in essence allowing perfect guard to "Reposte". allow this skill to work with quarterstaffs(barrier staff) and give barrier staffs a block action.

Earthquake change:
instead of Jagged ground, have it create a surface (so it interacts with the support gems related to that like Holy Descent, and Despoiler) that builds up stun while they stand on it and it inflicts Physical damage over time by pulsing until the duration is up. Earthquake has a stun limit and will NEVER fully stun an enemy it will only ever completely prime them.

Instead of shockwave primarily dealing damage it should jump a certain distance and stun anything nearby that is primed, so AOE wave clear for starting warrior with shield or with 2 hander is these 2. allow this skill to work with quarterstaffs

Rolling Slam:
I would count this as a "jumping skill" as well to allow it to interact with Holy Descent, and Despoiler leaving 2 surfaces.allow this skill to work with quarterstaffs

2 hander
Armor breaker: Knockback kind of counteracts this skills purpose, you want to be able to be close so you can focus down the armor. It is also so slow and tracks moving enemies so poorly they many enemies can just walk out of it (gnats, gyroscpes, almost all Vaal Machinery enemies) making this skill very frustrating to use. This attack needs one of two things, better track and chase when innitiated, or a faster attack speed i think most players would prefer faster attack speed. allow this skill to work with quarterstaffs

Shockwave totem:
All totems need longer duration or simply infinite duration but replaced when recast, they should also interact with ground effects like holy descent and despoiler. All totem passive effects from "Font" soulgems stack if multiple totems are deployed, remove passives for chance to plant extra totems, Keystone passives that just cast the extra totem and increase the maximum totem limit (when you cast the totem it plants all the totems evenly. around the mouse, you could even put a + and - button on the skill screen so you could mix and match what totems are deployed. You need a support gem (green) that adds a "font of frenzy" which increases nearby allies attack speed.
Shockwaves new totem effect is to break enhanced armor greater than its damage would normally allow (aoe armor breaker for low level)

Infernal Cry: we just need more ways to obtain endurance charges.

Shield charge: better control

Perfect Strike:
i would remove the fire from this skill and make it purely physical by default and let Infernal Cry, Herald of Ash, Molten Blast, and avatar of fire cover fire damage sources for warrior. allow this skill to work with quarterstaff if cast by a perfect guard interaction it is cast at "perfect timing"

Molten Blast: allowing it to be cast instantly by a perfect defense solves most of this skills default issues, but instead of shooting shrapnel i would have it leave burning ground behind allowing it to interact with more support gems (Duration, area of effect, ignite, Holy Descent, Despoiler, etc.). allow this skill to work with quarterstaffs

Resonating Shield: turn this into a single strike that reverberates in place and causes AOE stun priming over a few seconds
(limit just like earthquake will only completely prime)

Leap Slam: Allow cross use between monk staffs and maces, make this move faster, and dodge projectiles,floor effects, ground traps, during elevated height part of the jump, this will cause less instant deaths while locked in jump attack animation, and allow it to be more versatile on offense and defense.

Falling thunder, Glacial Cascade, Vaulting impact, Tempest Flurry, Whirling Assault, allow them to be used with mace and give them the "Slam" tag

Earthshatter: Change to an AOE around you uses jagged ground and inherits the armor breaker moves removed pushback, Making this a cc / space generator, remove spike effect not a slam, cannot be socketed into "Perfect Guard"

Shield wall: enlarges your shields forward arc and blocks all incoming Projectiles for a few seconds preventing all damage once over you recieve full shield stun and drop your shield by default. increase cooldown to be closer to hammer of god this can be the defensive equivalent.

Sunder: Remove autocrit, add exploit broken armor +50% will likely be fixed by changes to lower level skills that can easier break armor in area of effect, i think it would be neat if there were passives allowing you to run this with a Bonestorm witch as the bonestorm witch breaks armor

Seismic Cry: im not sure what to suggest here i think i would be able to gauge a gameplay mechanic for it after observing the other changes i suggested.

Stampede: Interact with holy descent, and despoiler

Ancestral warrior totem: Generates a single tough minion that can only move in Totem range (range is the same as Shockwave totem) it gains the benefit of totem enhancements from the passive tree. If the totem is destroyed the minion is dismissed.

Herald of Ash: either make the explosion direct instant damage, or if it is meant to ignite increase the AOE since the damage is pretty low on this skill, OR let it actually really inflict ignite so that it can interact with ignite skill gems.

Time of need VS Holy Descent:
These skills seem to overlap a good bit here is my suggestion: Holy decent should purge curses and provide max hp % regen. Time of need should convert its pulse healing into regeneration per second and when it pulses it removes NON-CURSE debuffs like shock, chill, withered, maimed, etc. Presently these effects are way to similar and warrior just has no real way to speed up time of need's effect

Passive changes:

1. i would move the wither/curse nodes on witch all the way over to the side nearest Warrior to allow warrior to easily sidespec and pick up bonuses for either curse of vulnerability and/or weaken. Having early access to this and the effects of the Blasphemy metagem helps warriors a lot. Blapshemy metagem needs to be looked at, the blood witch can cast permanent curses at range and have 2 of them while sacrificing no potency or aoe size, there is no reason Blasphemy has to be so punishing to use. It costs too much and you cannot access it until too late in the game.

2. I would rework the totem nodes so that they are all bonuses to totem duration, defenses and attack, except the nodes that give you a percent chance to deploy an extra totem. Instead remove the percent chance and those nodes become key nodes and provide one more totem deployed on cast and one more totem maximum. Casting any totem will deploy all the totems you have selected (1-4) using a similar strategy to undead minions for the with (+ and- Keys)

3. Move the "Bone witch" nodes over to the closest they can be to warrior and add in a single passive arc that gives penetration to bonestorm, i could see a very good synergy for using bonestorm to break armor then sunder to finish them off. Ultimately the classes more likely to use minions are to the right of the witch the classes more likely to use totems are to the left of the witch. Witch should still have a node or 2 on the far left to differentiate them from warrior and keep them the "Master of curses". I think you should seriously consider counting "weaken" an additional warrior defensive layer.

Move Armor break, half of totem, and best Physical damage + to the north side of warrior for interaction with templar and witch.

Move stun, half of totem, dual wielding and block interactions to the south side of warrior to interact with Ranger (which seems to have a dual wielding theme not yet implemented) and to be closer to monk for Barrier staff interactions.

Giants Blood: Include quarterstaves, and if monk is getting punching weapons like Qatar i would add them too. This also allows ranger to easier dip into staff play instead of dual wielding if they want.

Armor: if armor for all characters is not going to be improved, i would slightly raise the warriors passive nodes benefit so that warriors can easier cap armor while wearing hybrid armor, allowing them to go north for energy shield or south for evasion, presently it is way to hard to cap Armor and if armor will not be changed then warrior will need to be easier able to access other options to paste on.

+ elemental resistance: warrior needs more close range options in thier passive tree to build up base resistances for elemental and chaos.

Titan: Presently Titan is just a big stat stick, it adds a lot of strength i like the arc that uses crushing blows hulking form and Mysterious lineage could probably use something more interesting some good suggestions i have seen:
Add to them that the titan can no longer be pushed or moved
Add to them cleave damage and/or armor break
Change stoneskin that after a few seconds out of combat at full energy shields it adds some percentage of your armor score as extra energy shield until it is depleted giving them some "Ablative" armor

Zealots oath: seems like a Titan go to that is very far from warrior
Last bumped on Mar 1, 2025, 5:40:34 AM
The corpse affect i would recommend for warrior is a passive that consumes corpses to generate a HP regeneration effect due to its interaction with Zealot's Oath and other regen talents on Warrior. Pssibly a location endurance charges could be created.

Warrior needs cull through support gems and primary class abilities to generate power charges, and they need a way to generate frenzy charges perhaps having that be the reward of a passive like scaveneged plate, or as a banner

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