Mouse-Keyb and Controller

Hi dear code-game makers. I love poe and poe2, but I have serious trouble with both of these games. I cant use controller and mouse same time. Usually I hacknslash with my controller but all other things I use mouse and keyb. And that is why cause I have CP and I have hard to use only controller with options and inventorys. So I really hope u will fix this thing. Yours, Jari from Finland.
Last bumped on Mar 2, 2025, 5:18:43 AM
i srsly dont get why it isn't yet like that!
to me it seems pretty obvious when im sitting in front of my pc that my keyboard and mouse are usable. the fact that enabling controller disables m/k is just weird.

how about adding another input method. like with keyboard you have m/k or wasd - could be that you have 'full controller' (basically like is now) and a 'controller movement only' so that the controller only effects character movement and skills, but all of the menu/chat/etc is accesible with m/k.

has to be possible somehow

Last edited by kitomaer#5505 on Mar 1, 2025, 6:51:15 AM
Yeah, dual-input should have been a feature since day one. I know they mentioned "working on adding it" towards the beginning of EA, but to still not be able to do it is just lazy.

I started the EA playing on a controller, and actually really liked how intuitive it felt. It's just infinitely more comfortable for longer play sessions. I gave up and switched to M&K after like 20 hours because of how infuriatingly awful navigating the menus with a controller is.
Last edited by Johnny_Hotbody#4829 on Mar 2, 2025, 1:19:58 AM
+1. Playing on PC with a controller and navigating the menus and stash tabs is painfully tedious.
This, of course is not GGG's fault but the nature of controllers in general.
Being able to switch between mouse-keyb and controller would be a godsend.

If anyone can do it, it's GGG. It would be a HUGE quality of life improvement.

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