Energy Shield and Shield Attack skills

At the moment, anything having energy shield on a shield is simply useless when using any of the Shield attack skills as those only raise based on Armor and Evasion values on the shield.

It's even more prevalent considering how there's not much in terms of buff to the shield's own energy shield value within the Passive Skill tree. (There are nodes for Energy Shield total value in general, but not much for the Shield's Energy shield.)

In my opinion, it's a missed opportunity.

A change could be to make Energy shield on Shields gives Lightning damage to the Shield attacks skills in proportion to how Shield Evasion and Armor gives physical damages to the Shield attack skills.

This would make it so that, for example, Elemental or Lightning shield build could orient in a whole different direction as player.

On top of that, it would gives GGG the ability to add new Unique Energy Shields oriented shields in the game that could change the Shield attacks skills' element from Lightning to the others elements.

For example, there could be
a new unique Cursed themed shield that switch such Lightning damages to Chaos damages
a new unique flame themed shield that would change it to Fire damages.
a new unique ice themed shield that would change it to cold damages.
a new unique void themed shield that would change it to elemental damages (1/3 of Fire, Cold and Lightning).

Some of those potentially new unique shields could even give a preset Shield attack skill at a specific level.

By having a different shield equipped to each weapon swap, you could have a build that switch element on the fly depending on the situation.

I looked into the Shield attack skills and it's kinda lacking in terms of build development compared to many other build types around.
Last bumped on Feb 28, 2025, 12:03:25 PM

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