end game, death penalty reviews.

I have seen A WHOLE lot of talk/reviews on death penalties. People saying they quit because of it, people hating it, and others wanting it to stay. While I haven't read what is no doubt thousands upon thousands of feed back posts on the subject I haven't seen many with ideas on how to change it or meet in the middle to make both groups happy. So, I was hoping people could refrain from straight keep it or get rid of it feedback, and offer actual real ideas. Then from them, using/tweeking/combining some of those maybe the devs could find something they like while also satisfying most parties.

Now, I understand the reasoning behind death penalties at lvl 70 and losing your map. Making it more difficult, also making your character life actually mean something. If there was no penalty at all, I feel there may be less enjoyment out of beating something challenging. Because with out it, if you lose you just retry, oh well, no big deal. Some people may still want no penalty either way, some want exactly as it is and other somewhere inbetween. I feel 10% isn't a horrid amount to lose at that point. Yes it never feels good losing your exp, map buff, and waystone. However, at lvl 70 it's not a whole lot of exp, and "most" aren't trying to run crazy souped up maps at that point, So I don't feel it's crazy out of scale compared to higher 80's and above. I can see being in the high lvls and losing 20 or 100's of hours of straight grinding, in exp, as well as the right way stone, map buffs, or others things. For any type of change that actually does a good job can't be just about only what you want. We need to take into consideration other levels and people who may or may not want to added difficulty. So from taking all of that into consideration please follow suit and lets see if we can find some good ideas that may make a good amount of people more happy with it.

So, the first idea of mine right now is just a straightforward let the player choose. No different from playing hardcore, to soft core. Being able to choose if you want one or not will completely satisfy everyone who doesn't want one at all. While then just having to focus on how to make the death penalty players actually have an incentive to play it, as well as changing it to (in my opinion) not be as punishing in the very late game.

As far as why would you even pick to have a penalty if you don't have to? Besides people who actually want the added difficulty there really wouldn't be a reason to do so. You gain nothing except extra difficulty which some will like, i'm assuming some of these people also enjoy playing hard core as well. really enjoy the extra pins and needles, which is good. So some will play this just for the extra difficulty. However that will leave all the middle people not really liking either choice. For whatever reason they feel they want something more than no death penalties, but feel there is no enjoyment out of just being set back if you do die.

So coming up with something incentive to play the extra difficulties may be the way to go. Alot of games have extra currency gains in one way or another for doing something like this. So i feel it's something worth exploring. Exactly what it is would need to be balanced so it isn't out of hand. I can see something like extra rarity find being worth playing a harder difficulty. Not something crazy like 200%. Maybe 10, maybe 20, maybe 5. It would have to be balanced with the state of the game on how drops are as the game progresses. Maybe we don't go with an in game incentive and have a cosmetic unique to that difficulty? Maybe there is extra content with a small amount of extra items that can drop only from this difficulty. Possibly an extra stash tab only useable by this character. Soo many possible choices for this, so maybe the idea would be deciding whether or not any incentive would be given for doing the added difficulty. then deciding if it would be some kind of in game bonus, or something non stat gain.

From there I would say changing up the death penalty at least in the high end lvl area. As I have been too busy to play lately i'm not in the 90's I cannot say on how long lvls take to get to at that point and how much a death penalty actually sets people back in both the exp and the aforementioned maps/waypoints/etc. If a few people could post at what lvl how much exp/ time it took about to recoup (and whether you are a super fast clear grind exp or middle/slower clear so everyone can see where we are actually sitting) Since i don't have any personal knowledge on it I will only say it seems drastic at high levels and I can understand toning it down. But I will let the people with the knowledge of it post on that.

So In my opinion i think death penalties could give a choice, a possible incentive, and possibly balancing towards the higher level characters.
Last bumped on Feb 28, 2025, 7:58:26 PM

they WANT you to waste time.

more time wasted = higher chance to spend $€$ on MTX

thats the only goal here
It's just one of many reasons, but WoW did away with death penalty that had been part of MMOs before, and people loved it.

I'm not sure if any death penalty is actually needed, but I could be wrong.
thistofu#8644 wrote:

they WANT you to waste time.

more time wasted = higher chance to spend $€$ on MTX

thats the only goal here

If that was the intention, it backfired - speaking only for myself. The XP punishment is too much, and I've forbidden myself from buying any more supporter packs until this pain point changes.

It's demotivating for wanting to trying other classes and ascendancies, if one character at max level is unachievable. Plus I find it incredibly disrespectful to players who value their free time.

My suggestion, would be to limit XP loss and other extreme punishments into a separate "Cruel" mode for players who crave recognition for prestige. It would be thematically appropriate & make use of (Cruel acts 1-3) post-launch.

This mode should also start those punishments from level 1, so that there isn't a bait and switch after hitting end game & also to make it even more prestigious.
Last edited by SpankyKong#9805 on Feb 28, 2025, 12:35:18 PM
They really just need to scale down the penalty as it becomes drastic when you get into the 90s.

Something like the below.

The goal would be, that there is still a penalty to dying but it's not so severe that you stop playing. It should be about consequences and encouraging you to update your build - not crushing your soul and desire to play.

<80 = 7%
80-89 = 5%
90-95 = 1%
96+ = 0.5%
thistofu#8644 wrote:

they WANT you to waste time.

more time wasted = higher chance to spend $€$ on MTX

thats the only goal here

This game is so non-predatory with its MTX. There is no pay to win and the game is free. Why are there so many cases of this unbridled and unsubstantiated cynicism? Never would have imagined the POE community would be so entitled, pessimistic and negative about the devs of these 2 great games
I posted this before.

Keep the death xp loss
But gives us the opportunity to buy the last 10 lvl's

Plan n simple everyone wins

I get my last 10 lvl's
Ggg gets money for 10 lvls

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