GGG, what would you say you do here?

The entire month of February the only thing accomplished was adding stash tabs and some alleged bug fixes nobody can verify. Said stash tabs are bare bones and dont even have functionality like sounds when depositing an item. W-O-W

Some are even saying the stash tab were withheld so people spent all their gold and had to pay MORE money to purchase them. Shady tactics indeed.

The question I have for GGG would be:

What would you say you do here?
Last bumped on Feb 26, 2025, 4:04:48 PM
Even if the map tab was perfectly designed, has room for tablets, and was one of the best things they put out...why are people paying $15 for it???

Stop giving GGG money until they turn their ship around. Nothing else will sway them. They don't care what is said or done as long as that revenue is coming in.
What? Haven't you seen the absolutely kickin' new uniques GGG previewed for PoE Deuce? With gear like that comin' down the pike, players should be down on their knees in praise of the devs right now! =~[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Their forum posts says it all:

Toxic serial complainer oozing with sarcasm. You should be asking yourself what are you doing here
Their forum posts says it all:

Toxic serial complainer oozing with sarcasm. You should be asking yourself what are you doing here

I wouldn't say he's toxic, just has some opinions, and in this case I agree.

So I'd ask you, why are you here and what have you done to improve upon this discussion? Nothing? Just character attacks on the OP instead of addressing your difference of opinion.

So yeah, I'd ask you, what are you doing here on forums where people communicate when all you want to do is belittle people and call them out?
So yeah, I'd ask you, what are you doing here on forums where people communicate when all you want to do is belittle people and call them out?

Do you think this thread is constructive at all? It does nothing but foment negative discourse. I'm just exposing bad actors.

Sure, I'll address the main topic. If you frequent these forums it's obvious that v0.2 is releasing in a few weeks and they're giving sneak peaks into what's coming. That's what GGG is doing here.
Their forum posts says it all:

Toxic serial complainer oozing with sarcasm. You should be asking yourself what are you doing here

You are so right. We see how carefully they evaluate the people that take the time to write entire spreadsheets on how to improve the game. Or the last interview where they just deflected and hand waved any valid criticism.

From here on out I promise to be serious and respectful when screaming into the void of GGG feedback forums.

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