Damage from Green volatile Orbs (Affliction Momster)

There is a monster in maps (e.g. Rituals) which i think comes from Affliction, which spawns those green volatile Orbs. They follow you until they touch your Charakter and explode. The Problem is, they are very fast and they stack. I dont know what kind of damage it is, but if they stack i am 99% of the time dead and my defense is pretty solid overall.

In Addition, there is a lot of visual stuff Happening in Poe 1 and even more since i am a minion Player. Sometimes it is very hard to see them.

Please have a look at them, make them more visible or please limit the amount of Orbs.

I know ggg like hat kind of stuff but it is frustrating to get ohne shot like that.

Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 6:56:54 AM
You need chaos resistance to survive, or you need to dodge the balls. You have a short window when the balls stop at you, then you need to dodge away.
-double post
Last edited by Latze#2058 on Feb 27, 2025, 6:57:26 AM

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