I am sad. Don't know why this chat-ban system is running like this.

I purchased the beacon of salvation and that's a regret now.
So basically, I'm quitting this game.

Here's the reason.
I mean besides the reason that I have I9+2080super and the game in 2K res is still stutter as hell.

First, I got banned from public chat for like 5 times lol, not because I'm a dick or sth, but apparently I'm keeping sending trade msg into world channel, and that's the channel you're in when you type "#" first.

Because I saw a lot of trade info in channel-#, and there is absolute no or mail to told me why I'm keep getting banned. So the days that I got for my "mute-ban" are add up quickly.

I thought it was a hostile report or something, I'm confused but I can still tolerate the sentence so I just let it slide.
Finally, around the end of December, I got banned for 32days.

And sorry about my stupidness, thats the first time that i reach to support. and GGG told me the reason and I was like oh, thats cruel but okay, not much warning but okay. My bad. I served the sentence , and that's a little longer than a whole month.

So i behave. Pretty scared have another sentence for a whole year long.
Good game, Good farming time, Some great loot, blablabla.
And until two days before. I had another 32days of ban.
So i got mad. furious maybe. I reached out to support and told them I behave like a winter turtle blablabla.

GGG replied, it a legit ban cause I send a trade msg in channel-#. I mean they sent me the record, and I believe it was my act. One accident trade msg.

One msg. and it was not my intention. And i got banned from chat for another month.
"It's this long because of yourself", I know I know.

But you know what? No, it's NOT my fault. Hell no.
First, don't expect your user to read about any regulation.
Just don't, or you are just evil.
And those terms even not in the game.
And those terms even not gonna popup when you're banned.
GGG just told me i got banned. and that's it.
One day? meh, maybe it's a mistake.
3 days? oh my, maybe someone hate me?
7 days? Player in this game is hostile!

You know what makes me mad?
I'm well-behaved for a whole month and for ONE mistake and it's still a 32days ban. What was that? So I should play this game and maybe a year later I made a mistake and boom.

For god's sake, does anybody noticed, the # and $ is literally side by side???
And the chat system in this game is NOT intuitive, it's simply NOT.

I got so mad, and the reply from GGG is like written by a rusted old robot.

I replied and honestly not expecting a satisfied response.

Because I'm no trying to be able to chat again. I'm mad about this whole arrogant system.

"You have to find that terms in our forum somewhere, you can find that or got banned and mad enough so we will send it right to you, or just shut up in game and have fun yourself."

NO. Just NO.

Sorry for my poor grammar.

Great game, I'm Sorry for your doing.
Last edited by Joel_GGG#1496 on Feb 25, 2025, 3:53:28 AM
Last bumped on Feb 25, 2025, 3:53:13 AM
WOW that's long.

I'm Chinese and that's the longest stuff I write in English.

Longer than any of my test writing.

Thank you very much for posting your concerns, we really appreciate the feedback!

I have passed your message on to a senior staff member, who will be contacting you soon to discuss this issue privately.

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