Losing Gear Before it Can Be Picked Up

I have been running into an issue where gear is disappearing from the ground before I can pick it up. It seems like there is a 30 second timer or less to pick up items from the ground before they disappear. I lost a red item and countless other items from this issue after the latest update. If I am fighting a group of people, and they drop items, I cannot pick it up until everyone around is dead, and if that takes too long, I lose out on items
Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 5:52:02 PM
press Z. its auto toggle somtehing settup in inputs
Options - Interface - Gameplay : "Always Highlight"

Options - Input (Keyboard and Mouse): "Toggle Highlighting" (Z by default)

On Controller: "Toggle Item Visibility" (Second control set - LT + DPAD RIGHT)
I have confirmed that everything is suppose to be visible, but it will randomly disappear, and even when I am Turing on the view, it’s just all gone

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