Unique items : a waste
I finally yesterday started browing on wiki the unique items and i had 2 realizations: one, how cool some of them are art and idea wise, second that i will never care to use most of them, because they simply suck.
Betweem the not so powerfull buffs, powerful bufs but also powerful defbuff, the fact taht many of them dont have 6 or even 5 traits, most of them are simply not worth it. Which imho is a shame, because i would feel much more epic wearing unique items instead of mill of the trade rare ones. Imho it would be much better if unique items had a few unique traits, but could be augmented with additional traits and those non-unique traits should be modifiable. Also if they would actually benefit from being applied on a higher grade base item, so you could actually have more end game unique items. I would also consider making sets for additional buffs. Again, for me using rare items in end game just doesnt feel half as fun as if i had unique ones. As a warrior i recently obtained Hoghunt Greatclub, which looks so cool, and which i know i will never use , becasue its a starting level item. I do hope they get revamped some day (they are by no means a priority in early access liek for example additional classes) Last edited by FireStorm1010#8675 on Feb 24, 2025, 3:47:45 PM Last bumped on Feb 25, 2025, 2:43:41 AM
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You make a good point. I personally believe that the juxtaposition on uniques is pretty symbolic to the larger issue within the game.
Cut the game in two. First 3 acts or even 6 acts vs end game. These two parts don't play, look, or even function the same. They are pretty much apples to oranges. Completely different games Seems like all uniques were made for that campaign portion despite the fact the hundreds of hours spent in a character are at end game. I am curious how this all shakes out in the end as you cannot have dynamic gameplay that is "souls like" when the game requires you to one tap the screen so you are never over run by mobs. Think of breaches, ritual or delirium sirc on 81+ Uniques need an overhaul but it's tied to the larger issue with poe2 atm imo |
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Well im at level 4 maps atm, im a time constrainted player. I do love warriors gameplay and i think one tapping the entire screen shouldnt be a thing. It shouldnt be the only way to stop mob from overruning you, it needs imho to change in some way.
I tried ranger and sorceress and i got a bit bored, their gameplay just isnt as engaging for me, and i could definitely start to see the one tap clearing screen. Or to put it another way, imho endgame combat should resemble the campaign. |
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I actually found the game so much more enjoyable 1-70 lvl vs. Tier 5 map + through all pinnacle bosses.
The bosses are fun, seeing your char scale from 5k dmg to 500k with the same skill is fun, but so much of late game is deleting the screen to farm currency or shots at actual bosses. Your feeling that uniques are overly bad improves a tad as there are some chase items on said bosses, but yes. There is a large dirth in non lvling uniques being viable. As you noted, so many of the items, like armors are dead on arrival for their defensive stats alone. |
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Some are good, I mean the other day I was using a mings ring, onslaught helm, widowhail, trample toes, foxshade armor and painters gloves to get me thru the whole campaign - ring stayed, bow stayed, boots stayed (then swapped for another unique corpsewade) but yeah, there are a bunch that help you level fast and i think that's supposed to be their function.
Having said that there are tons of trash ones that need re-work and the current, some of them need a big buff (not the lame buff they did last time not long ago) Uniques should be more used endgame but really most of the time rares smash the hell out of them |
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i love art of some uniques i wish we coudl just simply wear them
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" Thats another good point. Imho all rpg games should have a system Conan Exiles had , the vanity system, imho its genious : basicly you have 2 outfit UI: one is for attributes, one is how you look. So you can look however you like, with whtever real armor/weapons you use, provided you have those items. |
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Most unique items (aside from ultra rare chase items) are completely useless and not even worth picking up unless you need the shards. This is inexcusable.
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"Uniques" should mean something, I should get excited if one drops, but 98% of them are just trash. So, I don't get excited. Get rid of most of them. Keep the handful that are actually useful so that if it drops, people get excited. Why do you want to train people to ignore unique drops? Because that's what this game currently does. |
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" You may not like finding a needle in a haystack, but that's some people's jam. Much more fun than just standing around for a few weeks and someone going "here's a needle". |
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