blight bosskill additional reward chest

the idol mod "blight bosses in your maps have x% chance to add an additional reward chest when defeated" does nothing. got 100% chance and used blight scarab of blooming to guarantee boss spawns. initial chest count was 10 and after the encounter it still was 10.

reference id: 430344691
Last bumped on Mar 5, 2025, 9:27:43 PM
Also have this problem. I have 78% and 4/4/3 of the chests turned into 4/4/3 (no change). Killed at least 6 bosses in this particular case, but the same outcome was when I was using different set with 100% chance. Tested on Toxic Sewers and Carcass maps (both T16).
I have had this issue since launch, can confirm with 100% chance

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