play meta or dont play
why is it like that?
either go for the crazy temporalis astramentis ingenui builds or u cant even do a twisted domain. it sucks i get stuck to every mob pack. ok weapon switch to spirit for blink. doesnt happen. again doesnt happen. i look at my spirit. i wait for it to switch. ok it switch. press space bar. not stunned. not frozen. nothing happens. press again. nothing happens. dead.10% gone. gg good game Last bumped on Feb 24, 2025, 7:39:41 AM
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This is exactly how POE 1 is as well, it didn't used to be that way when I started, but now there's a couple meta classes only and you can no longer just do whatever wacky skill you want with enough investment..
To be fair, most people only played meta anyways, but GGG shouldn't have tried to solve that. It's not their problem that players are having fun, but they seem to make it their problem and combat our fun tooth and nail. |
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That's primarily because GGG doesn't want you to speed through all classes and builds you're interested in in a year and quit the game.
They want you playing for as long as possible so they can sell you MTX. At the beginning, most skills were decent and viable. As time progressed, more skill were introduced, powercreep happened, old skills were not rebalanced and new skills were obviously better (for a league or two until they got arbitrarily nerfed and new skills took their place). And they realized this worked very well to keep players coming back to the game every few leagues. | |
no instead they want everyone to play monk or sorc :(
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" This is the part I don't get, especially where it concerns not being able to skip the campaign with alt characters. What kept me playing D3 for years was being able to play all the classes, get them all max level and well geared within a season. But with POE I get 1 character "finished" and I take a break. If I could skip the campaign and quickly get into end game I would play most every league from day 1 until the last day, because I would be trying out every class/build that looks fun. |
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Yeah would be cool if 70% of the pathing on the tree wasn't the same for most classes. There are so so so many nodes that get 0 interaction because they just don't work for any build. It's nutty as! If they dont add tons more to the tree going forward its literally going to be same exact path but to the axe node not the mace, or the sword node etc. Half the mace builds don't even use the single mace node on there either it's wild.
I remember vids and ads "new passive tree with over 2000 passives" not gonna count the current but yeah, needs TONS more viartion and options, I know it's hard to do but you're taking our money in EA already and our (my 1000s) via poe1 so hey, put in the effort boys. |
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" Yeah, I played that exact same 1-character-per-league loop for years too. Then I outright quit PoE because I realized GGG was not going to change their strategy back to what it was prior to 2018. I have no clue how the game progressed from 2021/2022 but I doubt anything was changed. But it's not rocket science: PoE is not a high-quality, skill-focused and deep game. It's a lot of gambling crammed into braindead grinding. We're not this game's target audience. We value our progression, learning process and skill development when we play a game, all of which are completely absent in PoE. And most of all, we value our time and money. People like us are not going to put a lot of money into PoE and GGG knows it. The "play meta or suffer" style of balancing in PoE comes from the need GGG has to steer the money-spenders around to keep them engaged. I won't comment on why this is a need on GGG's part because I once hinted at it and a couple people sporting rows and rows of supporter packs became severely aggravated (which just proved my point). | |
The game is actually very well balanced outside of a few things that are clearly overtuned - heralds, cast on x, certain stat stacking items, energy shield, minions.
I'd like to see those things nerfed to the ground, rather than seeing things get buffed as the game is already quite a bit too easy when I'm limiting myself to fair builds and playing through the campaign starting from scratch on HC SSF. Please nerf the broken stuff and make the game significantly harder. |
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" The game is not balanced at all. Try to do a out of the box build and see if you succeed... You won't, because you absolutely need a high DPS screen destroyer. or you lose, that's it. So what builds are there in POE ? 1 : Screen destroyer. |
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I’ve spent countless hours playing your games, and my purchase history in PoE 1 is proof enough that I wasn’t here for the microtransactions or endless grind—it was the thrill of genuine loot and fair play that kept me coming back. Yet, every time I returned, I saw the same greedy players dominating the system and cashing in on third-party sites, leaving the rest of us in the dust.
Let’s be blunt: the current loot system, the absurd 6-man group rules, and the so-called “quantity and quality” bonuses are complete BS. In PoE 2, if you continue down this path, you can kiss any hope of me buying a single pack goodbye. I don’t care about extra stash tabs or cosmetic microtransactions; I want a game that rewards skill and fair play—not one that forces me into groups of six with players who exploit every loophole for easy gains. Imagine this: a family of four wanting to enjoy the game together without dealing with an 18-plus guild of exploitative “pros.” Instead, they’re forced into a system where loot is inflated by team size, and solo or small-group players get shafted. This isn’t just bad design—it’s a direct assault on what made Path of Exile great in the first place. If you plan to roll out PoE 2 with PoE 1 leagues rehashed, complete with the same loot and group mechanics that favor greedy cliques, then good luck. I’m done with this system, and I’m not alone. Until you fix the loot drops, scrap the invasive 6-man rule for loot bonuses, and finally give solo and small-group players a fair shake, you’re pushing away your most dedicated fans. I urge you to seriously reconsider these changes before the full release. There’s no room for “more is better” when it’s more greed and more unfairness. Change the system, or expect the same exodus that PoE 1 suffered. Brewskie
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