The fire Element as a whole is in need of some help.It IS BAD aside from some niche builds

TLDR below!

Just look at this...
Ignite is already in my understanding the worst ailment in the game.
Yet for some reason... A refresh on the worst kind of dot ever devised is locked behind a crit AND a 1/10 chance?
WHY? what is the rational here?

Ignite is already a worse shock in almost everyway. Why is the entire Warrior/Templar side of things so BAD that it even makes infernalist not build into fire...

Am i missing something here?
Is there some OP ignite thing that i don't see that needs to be "kept in check" like this?

Please correct me if I am wrong but as I understand it...
-Ignite is a 20% DPS based on the "Hit" that triggered it.
-It does not stack in anyway shape or form.
-It lasts for 4 seconds by default.

So overall it is an 80% more damage from the hit spread over 4 second...
THAT is as good as it can be with magnitude adding a bit more damage to it...
In the image i included the nodes in that tree add a 15% magnitude of the ignite if it crits.
That is basically negligible when compared to most other damage nodes in the game no?
You are already at 20% of the HIT per second... What is that 15% going to add?
20*1.15= 23.
That is a 3% increase...

That is why i am confused here... I feel I am dumb and missing something...
So i will write down how i think it works:

Let us say, A hit deals 100 fire damage. It gets lucky and triggers ignite. Now it is 120 DPS... A 12% ignite magnitude node gives us (80*1.12)/4 seconds = 22.4 extra dps... I probably rounds down... but let us say it is
123 dps now with that hit if the ignite triggers.
Does that even compare to what shock gives you?
Or what freeze gives you?
Now that i write this down shock is basically a better ignite XD
Because most builds HIT MORE times under one second!
So they will benefit more from it...

Ignite magnitude also adds nothing to the initial hit or chance to ignite.
How is it better than a 12% fire damage? It makes the hit 100*1.12 = 112. So the ignite DPS with that is (112*0.8)/4 = 89.6/4 = 22.4...
SO IF you pick an ignite magnitude over a fire damage or elemental damage one etc with a similar value...
The ONLY thing that changes is that you lose damage on the initial hit! Damage that you keep adding over and over theoretically as you keep hitting whatever you face...
I just dont get it.
Maybe it is unfinished.... or the dev in charge or me are bad at math XD
Again it is possible i am misunderstanding how it works but i doubt it as i dont see any fire builds working right now


Fire damage is WAY too week at least compared to the rest of the damage sources:
-For whatever reason It has the lowest crit. (Makes no sense that ice is the crit element and not the chaotic Lightning or Fire...)
-No bonus CC ailment like electrocute or freeze.
-Ignite is a joke.
-I have no idea to this day how Incinerate damage is calculated and why it loses damage with the Ignite magnitude support gem.
-FireStorm exists in it's current form. Why make it so completely random? Why not send seeking bolts to whatever mobs you removed ignites from when casting it? That would make it cool along with continung to "suck up" ignites into improved bolts for the whole duration.
-Herald of fire is completely useless compared to the other heralds.
We see ice and lighting Herald clearing entire maps... Meanwhile, Herald of fire is 1 meter compared to the 1.6 or the other two...

I am speaking from a sorc player perspective here but to be honest it feels like whoever was in charge of the right side of the passive/classes tree... Is the total opposite in personality to the ones doing the left side of the tree.
That is why Invoker and Storm Weaver (Plus gemlin) are thriving.
Meanwhile, Warrior is crying in the corner XD
One side is full or tradeoffs and downsides while the other is just PURE NET WINS!

Warrior players are GGG's punching bag they LOVE to suffer and play that char the way it is now!
But think of infernalist and the elemntalist sorc players like me who don't wanna do the generic storm weaver!
Last edited by Aziouss#2663 on Feb 23, 2025, 1:35:41 PM
Last bumped on Feb 23, 2025, 1:31:15 PM

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