The idol system kind of presses undo on the atlas passive tree that people love.

This event really should have just been the ascendancies. The idol system feels pretty awful. You can't farm the stuff you want without having Einhar and ghosted map bosses, and murderous other content that you don't want thrown at you the entire time.

POE1 got to the best state that the endgame had ever been by allowing people to choose what they wanted to do and make their own decisions on their progression via the atlas passive tree. This idol stuff feels an awful lot like the POE2 obsession with "kiss curse". Please don't let this be the big reveal for the upcoming POE2 patch because if so, I am out. Geez its bad.
Last bumped on Feb 24, 2025, 6:39:27 AM
It would've been fine if idols were always 1x1 and had 1 mod. And of course a bigger space to place the idols in.

What I'm really surprised about is that it felt like they wanted players to not have to do all the maps, but you still have to, to unlock 4 tiles, which means you do 115 completions just for 4 spaces, rather than 115 points.

It was put together very hastily and wtihout thought.
Idea of idol system isn't that bad, as i thought. But realization is terrible as i predicted. I think, if they add idols as leveling puzzle-like mini-game, it can work better than actual atlas tree. My idea: Kirac have in-game shop with all variants of idols (or some sort of idol constructor-menu). Some idols (mods) expensive, some cheap, but all available from endgame start for gold. You, as player, can planning, farm gold and combined idols in map machine slots. You can trade idols only for gold to Kirac. If GGG worried about economic, they can add some restrictions. For example: only 3-4 2x2, 5-6 3x1 and 1-2 unique idols as maximum. With this mechanics they can add selectors for specific league content, or disable all league content without idols. If player don't like play expedition, he never will see it, perfect. That's that i think. But Phrecia realization of idol system is terrible.
Darote#7493 wrote:
Idea of idol system isn't that bad, as i thought. But realization is terrible as i predicted. I think, if they add idols as leveling puzzle-like mini-game, it can work better than actual atlas tree. My idea: Kirac have in-game shop with all variants of idols (or some sort of idol constructor-menu). Some idols (mods) expensive, some cheap, but all available from endgame start for gold. You, as player, can planning, farm gold and combined idols in map machine slots. You can trade idols only for gold to Kirac. If GGG worried about economic, they can add some restrictions. For example: only 3-4 2x2, 5-6 3x1 and 1-2 unique idols as maximum. With this mechanics they can add selectors for specific league content, or disable all league content without idols. If player don't like play expedition, he never will see it, perfect. That's that i think. But Phrecia realization of idol system is terrible.

I think that in the end map passives are just better. Choose what you want rather than having the sanctum relic system that is frustrating when the idols also adds mechanics you don't want, so you're forced to use up another tile for an idol that disables one mechanic. The only thing atlas passives need now is some rebalancing, some shuffle, maybe the idols could exist as jewel sockets that you add to the atlas passive tree. Literally anything but an RNG for what mechanics you get on your maps.

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