PoE1 is a bloated mess. Uninstalled today

Not much more to say. The game is superbloated with loot, currencies, and random events now. I used to enjoy doing maps and seeing an occasional event here and there, maybe a Vaal instance or strongbox to mess with. Less is more, these devs should've learned that from D1 and D2 atmosphere.

Now every map there's 5 different NPC events, 15 strongboxes, random triggers that are not explained at all like that Ore mining.

There's even one NPC where you basically play Tower Defense. Goodbye Immersion.

And a lot of dorks will come in saying "PoE isn't beginner friendly". It's not even about the complexity of the game. Bloating the game with zooming mechanics and 2 second dopamine attention span quests doesn't make it more complex, it makes it boring.

I can understand enjoying the current state of PoE1 if I was effeminate or weak or something and needed to feel powerful by copy pasting some boring streamer build, but as a grown man even Diablo 3 hikes its shorts to it's knees and dumps on this game like it just ate Chipotle.

[Removed by Support] Selling out your own 'vision' for crappy zoom zoom mechanics and overbloated mechanics. Even at like level 6 you have a DPS blink skill (flame dash) that can be cast every few seconds. Nothing is earned.

And the loot is unbearably boring. You'll grind 50 hours to find some niche quiver for some niche build that would require doing the entire campaign over again and then following a specific build order to even try to use. And maybe it would suck still? Game is awful.

[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Vash_GGG#0000 on Feb 22, 2025, 5:24:43 PM
Last bumped on Feb 23, 2025, 3:13:06 AM
Mostly agree with this. I can enjoy it still in bursts though. Its like playing an ARPG where someone modded it with all the cheat codes and turned everything up to 11. Some people love playing creative mode/all cheats on games.

The combat is also dreadful, its so cookie clicker and the quality of loot is balanced around killing millions of monsters and ignoring hundreds of thousands of items per hour earning a wage and then crafting or buying your loot.

I don't share your disdain for the Dev's they're mostly captured by POE1's extreme niche playerbase who wont stand for nerfs, and force GGG to leave the game with no design space for anything that isn't giga fast and giga screen exploding mess. So the game without much needed nerfs has just become like any "all the mods" journey mode mess.

It has the most stuff to do of any ARPG, but also is just about the least hack and slashy ARPG in existence.

The "fast" of D2 is about POE2 campaign level of speed, and that's still visually understandable as a hack and slash game. POE1's "visual language" is far closer to space ship shooter then hack and slash. Every time I log in I have fun for a bit (I like a shmup now and again) and then wonder what could have been.

This event is kinda re-affirming things IMO.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Not much more to say. The game is superbloated with loot, currencies, and random events now. I used to enjoy doing maps and seeing an occasional event here and there, maybe a Vaal instance or strongbox to mess with. Less is more, these devs should've learned that from D1 and D2 atmosphere.

Now every map there's 5 different NPC events, 15 strongboxes, random triggers that are not explained at all like that Ore mining.

There's even one NPC where you basically play Tower Defense. Goodbye Immersion.

And a lot of dorks will come in saying "PoE isn't beginner friendly". It's not even about the complexity of the game. Bloating the game with zooming mechanics and 2 second dopamine attention span quests doesn't make it more complex, it makes it boring.

I can understand enjoying the current state of PoE1 if I was effeminate or weak or something and needed to feel powerful by copy pasting some boring streamer build, but as a grown man even Diablo 3 hikes its shorts to it's knees and dumps on this game like it just ate Chipotle.

[Removed by Support] Selling out your own 'vision' for crappy zoom zoom mechanics and overbloated mechanics. Even at like level 6 you have a DPS blink skill (flame dash) that can be cast every few seconds. Nothing is earned.

And the loot is unbearably boring. You'll grind 50 hours to find some niche quiver for some niche build that would require doing the entire campaign over again and then following a specific build order to even try to use. And maybe it would suck still? Game is awful.

[Removed by Support]

Thanks for the laugh, your entire post history is basically shitting on GGG for the state of 2 and now 1, and going off your language most of us would laugh you out of the forums anyways. It's hard to take you seriously in any case the moment you start to claim 'maybe if I were effeminate' as if only a certain subset of people in your mind can enjoy the game, at that point you just look like a moron worth a chuckle and some pity, at best, and you undermine your own criticism of the game at the same time.

Imagine though, it is almost as if there's been over 10 years of mechanics added to the game via (until recently) 3-4 seasons per year, each one adding new content or a twist, and some of that content remaining in subsequent leagues. As someone who has been playing on and off from the initial beta branches back in 2013/14, when Act 3 was the end of available content, and yeah, it's strayed a bit from the roots it started with. It was unforgiving, punishing, and oftentimes one poor choice of perk allocation away from bricking your build... Over 10 years ago.

But, for an 11 year old game, it's still great and worth playing from time to time. No one is making you play this, mister I-like-e-sports, and you are more than welcome to strut on back to Diablo 3 at any point (where the new season can be completed in all of three days or so, maybe a week if you're casual about it, oh boy, that sure shows PoE! /s) as no one is forcing you to be here, however. If you don't like it, then don't play it, but throwing childish critique at a game (really makes me wonder what Vash sanitized from your post) that is well established and unlikely to make any radical changes is just silly.
Last edited by spacecowboy2011#1120 on Feb 23, 2025, 1:57:30 AM
try post it in new player feedback.....https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73088
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

This is the end of forum signature
You can disable close to any map content, if you wish. In atlas tree. And triple ones you want to run.

Just reminding, you know..

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