Today is my 90 day anniversary waiting for support

90 days ago November 21st 2024. I contacted support for the one time MTX transfer from xbox to pc. Since then I've had basically no contact from support. Last sent email was the same day saying "yes please proceed" and then on the 29th of November I get this email.

Hi there,

Thank you for your email and for all of your patience. We are currently processing a large number of requests and will respond to your query as soon as we can.

We ask that you please refrain from sending follow up emails for your request as this both slows down our ability to process requests and could bump yours back in the queue. We will help you as soon as we are able.

This was the last contact from support. I've never sent any follow-ups or anything to further put myself at the end of "queue" support did PM me after asking if I was still in "queue" on the forum, they confirmed I was on February 8th but that's it. Still don't know how far I'm away or when this transfer process will ever get finished. 500K+ Emails down in a month from Nov 22nd to Dec 21st-22nd with 75K remaining. Two Months later here I am still waiting in this "queue" I give up. I check my email and come to the forums everyday for the last 90 days hoping that I finally have an email or message on the forums that they did the transfer or at the very least that the appropriate team member has got my info.

Well I'm defeated thankfully I can play the game and my problem isn't tied to money issues or being unable to play. I feel really bad for everyone waiting just as long as I have in a worse situation.

Good luck everyone as always stay sane exiles.
Last bumped on Feb 22, 2025, 3:53:10 PM
I'm sorry about this! Unfortunately, we are still working on resolving a large volume of tickets. We'll get back to you as soon as we are able to do so.
How can you guys do "500+k emails in one month" and cant finish the other "75k" in 2 months. This obviously isn't a first in first out "queue" either. I understand your still getting emails on top of that "75k" which I'd bet a large amount of money it wasn't another "500K" even in that 2 months since.

How are some people getting issues resolved before others whos been in the "queue" way longer while having the same issue?

Where is all the new staff you're supposed to hire, noticed you asked people to apply using your backed up email address is their applications in the "queue" too? Is that why we haven't seen any?

I know none of this will be answered well cant wait to see what bullshit is in the next customer update post.

Good luck exiles stay sane.

These PR statements they made were obviously just to make people quiet and calm them down. Also they were lies as the math does not check out.
How can you guys do "500+k emails in one month" and cant finish the other "75k" in 2 months.

Easy, they have 2 support teams, the larger is basically the front line, they process and sort all the emails and either resolve them or place them in the queue for the second team to deal with.

Front line support can process a LOT of emails and start on the ones they don't (by asking security questions)
Other stuff like getting hacked, changing email addresses, linking accounts refunds will tend to fall into the second teams domain and each ticket require a lot more back and forth to resolve hence the extended delay.
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