Make Titan faster ASAP

After investing 400+ hours and 160+ div into my main Titan character, I decided to take a break until he gets buffed. I picked every possible node for movement and attack speed, yet he still moves like a snail. I even managed to buy a super rare Megalomaniac Diamond with 20% increased attack speed and 3% movement speed.

I have 880 strength. I’m named Titan, with Giant’s Blood and Hulking.

My character should feel like playing God of War.

Yet I can be stopped mid-animation by small minions. That’s pathetic.

The animations for Stampede and Sunder need to be improved. There should be no fixed animation times. Even when jumping, I can be slowed down, which completely defies gravity.

I’m even running an armor + evasion setup, and I still get slowed down—despite having 880 strength!

Let us run through maps!
Last edited by barczik#9534 on Feb 20, 2025, 8:52:40 AM
Last bumped on Feb 20, 2025, 8:18:07 AM

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