Campaign feedback after multiple playthroughs

The initial onslaught of "game is too hard, players will leave" was completely unwarranted.

It's been only 2 months and most people I know are already facerolling the entire campaign with any character. Of course, as soon as you figure out what works and what doesn't, it becomes easy - way too easy.

It's not engaging, the majority of bosses lost their significance and it really does feel like little more than a time waster before reaching the endgame. When you reach cruelty, it's easier than normal and the drops aren't a reasonable enough upgrade to want to go through the campaign again.

The easy solution would be to allow players to skip the campaign, as a lot seem to be asking, but I'd say the better one would be to work on fine-tuning the difficulty and enhancing the gear-up process.

One immediate suggestion is to very, very lightly increase the chance of unique drops and have them drop at relevant item levels. A level 40+ character who just beat Doryani isn't gonna have a lot value from a unique with a level 5 stat line... But I bet a level 5 character getting that as their drop against one of the earlier bosses would've been jumping for joy.

Rares and Uniques being the only real rewards (and orbs) aren't enough with their current drop rates and effects. Either there's a rarity in between that's missing or uniques need to be a little more common or rares less common (the last one likely won't go over well at this point). Basically, we need more "wow!" moments during the campaign. Roughly two per act would be fine, I think.

Another is for a lower level crafting system that would allow players to consistently work towards better gear as they're leveling, rather than all of it being orb and drop RNG. Looking forward to seeing how the affix extraction influences this!

For difficulty, a quick improvement would be to either buff boss health or nerf a variety of damage skills. Bosses shouldn't be bloated damage sponges, but they also shouldn't die in 10 seconds. Someone needs to go back and play through the campaign again to take notes. They have great attacks and mechanics, make sure they have time to actually use them.
Last bumped on Feb 20, 2025, 12:17:10 AM

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